Trump, Pence Snub John McCain in Ceremony Signing Bill Named After Him

Trump, Pence Snub John McCain in Ceremony Signing Bill Named After Him August 14, 2018

Donald Trump is a low, petty, classless excuse for a human being.

Mike Pence is his spineless sidekick.

They’re both a blotch on the face of this once-great republic that will not easily wash away. The fact that these men are walking the venerated halls of the White House now is an insult to the nation and to the memory of our founders.

He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of this country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man….The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people.
Samuel Adams

On Monday, President Trump and his bold-as-mayonnaise VP held a ceremony at a New York Army base, for the purpose of signing new defense legislation into law.

At the Fort Drum, New York base, the legislation, titled the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act was signed.

The legislation is actually the 2019 version of the annual legislation signed to set priorities for the military, but it now bears the name of Senator John McCain, a decorated war veteran and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“I’m humbled that my colleagues in Congress chose to designate this bill in my name,” McCain said in a statement Monday. “Serving as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and working on behalf of America’s brave service members has been one of the greatest honors of my life.”

McCain, 81, gave his statement from his home in Arizona, where he’s battling brain cancer. It may be best that he wasn’t present for this particular ceremony.

President Trump and VP Pence watched as the 10th Mountain Division perform an artillery drill, with attack helicopters hovering overhead. They then each gave speeches from a stage adorned with flags and military hardware.

It’s all about the show with the reality TV president, after all.

“I’m here today to sign our new defense bill into law,” Trump said. “The national defense authorization act is the most significant investment in our military and our war fighters in our nation’s history.”

Do you notice something missing, there?

The arrogant, vindictive president failed to mention the man the bill was named after.

That could be because McCain has been a vocal critic of Trump. He called Trump’s simpering acquiescence to Vladimir Putin at their Helsinki meeting a “tragic mistake.”

“No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant,” McCain said in a statement after the summit in Helsinki.

He was right, of course.

Trump previously attacked McCain during the primary season for the 2016 election, making light of McCain’s service in Vietnam, saying he preferred those people not captured.

For those who aren’t up to speed on what McCain’s service consisted of:

As a Navy pilot, McCain’s bomber was shot down over North Vietnam in October 1967. The blast broke both arms and his right leg. He was pulled from a lake by North Vietnamese forces, who shattered his right shoulder with a rifle butt.

He was bayonetted, tortured, and imprisoned.

When they found his father was a Navy admiral, they operated on him – inadequately – but hoped to use his status as the son of an admiral for a propaganda win, and offered to release him.

He refused to leave his fellow POWs behind, and stayed for over five years in captivity.

During that time, he suffered beatings to the point of having his bones broken over and over. They attempted to force confessions from him, based on perceived “war crimes.”

This was while Donald Trump was having his rich daddy buy him deferments from service, based on a sore foot, by the way.

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
Samuel Adams

VP Pence has been nothing, if not a loyal, obedient dog to Trump. He also failed to mention McCain, knowing that to do so would provoke Trump’s rage.

There’s a lot to slam John McCain for. His policies have been, for most part, so far removed from conservatism, that he is the epitome of a big government squish. For Democrats, he’s been their idea of a “good Republican.”

That being said, he deserves credit for his service to the nation, both as an American POW and in working on behalf of veterans.

There is nothing in either Trump’s nor Pence’s life that could measure up to the sacrifices made by Senator McCain.

If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.
Noah Webster


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