Trump Threatens Action After Googling His Name and Getting Bad News

Trump Threatens Action After Googling His Name and Getting Bad News August 28, 2018

He really can’t help himself, can he?

President Trump is doing all he can to draw attention away from the awful news of last week, regarding Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, David Pecker, and Allen Weisselberg.

Unfortunately, he did that by royally screwing up the response to the death of Arizona Senator John McCain, both with his statement on the death of an actual American hero, and his raising and lowering of the American flag over the White House, meant to honor McCain’s memory.

So of course, today there must be something else to grab the attention of the public.

He certainly didn’t want it to be his incompetence with a speaker phone.

Trump was up early, his pudgy little fingers furiously jabbing at the keys on his phone, tapping out his latest outrage, with today’s target being the search engine, Google.

Apparently, he’s been “googling” himself, and he does not like the results.

“Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media,” the president wrote on Twitter. “In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal?”

Seriously. He needs to get new material. Everything is RIGGED if it doesn’t shine a brighter, more flattering light on him.

You’ll notice he never calls actual fake news outlets, like Gateway Pundit or True Pundit “rigged.”

He wasn’t done raging.

“Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good,” Trump continued. “They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation.”

To that tweet, he also said, “-will be addressed.”

How? How will you address this? Nationalizing a private company? Is that how?

I’m trying to think of nations in the past that have grabbed control of private entities to control the output to the liking of the ruling government body. How did those work out? Isn’t that something normally done to prop up failing companies?

Google is not a failing company.

Trump’s morning pout is probably driven by a recent PJ Media article that claimed that something along the lines of 96 percent of Google searches done with the Google “news” tab were from liberal outlets, with CNN being prominently featured.

This article was picked up by other Trump-devoted outlets, like Breitbart, and passed around.

Fox News and the Wall Street Journal were more conservative-leaning outlets that appeared in the first 100 results.

So why the disparity?

According to MarketWatch, Google attempted to address that issue:

Google maintains it doesn’t manipulate results. A company representative told PJ Media that there are more than 200 signals taken into account in its search results, including freshness.

That makes sense. It’s not likely to calm the injured ego of Trump, who looks to bring control of the media under his tiny thumb.

Media manipulation has taken center stage, ever since the 2016 election, when U.S. intelligence agencies uncovered the workings of Russia’s Internet Research Agency, a digital propaganda group tasked with using social media to influence voters and create chaos by pitting various citizen groups – whether it be Black Lives Matter or the Unite the Right crowd – against each other.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have all found accounts that could be linked back to Russia’s interference.

There were a reported 652 Facebook accounts and pages shut down last week, with apparent links to Russia or Iran.

Yes. Iran is getting in on the fun. Twitter shut down 284 accounts linked to Iran, as well.

And to be clear, it isn’t that Facebook or Twitter have a problem with Russians or Iranians using their platforms. It’s that these particular accounts seemed geared towards creating chaos.

The notion that putting these media companies under government control could somehow create a better platform is ridiculous.

It’s also not the job of the government to regulate media.

Could somebody do something wildly revolutionary and slip a pocket Constitution into the Oval Office – maybe even Congress?

Or are we too far gone to expect sanity in our government?

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