Florida Man Arrested After Threatening Lawmakers Who Voted Against Kavanaugh

Florida Man Arrested After Threatening Lawmakers Who Voted Against Kavanaugh October 5, 2018

This is exactly how you DO NOT react to political disagreements.

And seriously, Florida, I love ya, but if I see one more “Florida man” story…

The “Florida man” in this situation is 53 year old James Royal Patrick, of Winter Haven.

Mr. Patrick is some kind of partisan nut.

Polk County Sheriff’s office have announced that Patrick was arrested on Thursday, after he took to his Facebook page and decided making threats against any Republican lawmakers that voted against Brett Kavanaugh.

He referred to them as “weak Republicans.”

The nutty Mr. Patrick called for “literal war” against liberals.

It’s as if some of those media personalities who are whipping up angry MAGA mobs, with their talks of liberals wanting them dead, etc… are being heard.

And no, leftists. You’re not innocent in all this.

Some of your frothing fringe give people like James Royal Patrick reason to believe what they’re hearing. Get your dogs in line.

The Tampa Bay Times reported on Patrick’s lunacy:

“I can tell it seems I will be sacrificing my life for my country,” Patrick wrote. “But I am ready and will know who needs to be killed after the vote to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.”

You’re an idiot, Mr. Patrick.

Sheriff Grady Judd held a news briefing Thursday afternoon to share quotes from the Facebook posts and photos of guns and ammo that had been seized from Patrick’s house.

“Ladies and gentlemen, words matter,” he said. “And words will get you locked up in the county jail under a $500,000 bond.”


The Facebook posts included details about buying new ammo for a sniper rifle and a suppressor. He wrote that he had “just cleaned out the gun shop” and was stockpiling supplies in a tunnel under his house (Judd noted that deputies did not find a tunnel underneath the home). He also wrote that he was about to accept an offer on his house “to get more money to fund my plan to kill.”

“Getting ready if Kav is not confirmed,” he wrote. “Whoever I think is to blame, God have mercy on their soul.”

Maybe pull back the reins, a bit.

As it is, the vote today was enough to move Kavanaugh’s nomination forward to a floor vote, so it’s as good as done, it appears.

Mr. Patrick wasted all that MAGA rage for nothing.

He further encouraged other “conservatives” to join him in his killing spree, as they targeted liberals and killed them in their sleep.

“I can’t do this by myself,” he said.

He also didn’t feel he’d be making it out of this alive, because he posted plans for taking care of his dog, in the event he did not return.

“I expect to be confronted and I will be ready to kill and ready to die,” he said.

He began his rants on September 22, and just carried on, adding more, becoming emboldened, as he went along.

I haven’t seen his page, but I’m guessing he had at least some MAGAdooks cheering him on.

On October 3, someone was concerned enough to tip off the police. They had a search warrant and an arrest warrant within 5 hours of getting the tip.

Deputies worked with FBI agents from the joint terrorism task force, Judd said. Patrick had posted about having a .50-caliber rifle. Deputies found a .50-caliber Desert Eagle handgun instead. They also seized a 308 hunting rifle with scope, numerous receipts from local gun shops, several used targets and “a lot of ammo.”

Just enough to get somebody making such insane threats in a heap of trouble.

And just so we know how keyboard muscles work: Patrick didn’t think he would get in trouble for posting such inflammatory messages. He felt not naming names meant he was safe.

Uh, no, Florida Man… just naming Congress, as a whole, is enough.

Sheriff Judd put the stops to that.

“Newsflash: You’re in trouble. You’re in a lot of trouble.” Judd said.

Judd said a new Risk Protection Order could be used to keep Patrick from possessing a firearm if he does post bail.

Many times these mass shooters don’t have criminal histories, Judd said. He called Patrick “the kind of person we worry about.”

“Understand no matter what community you live in, the community’s job is if you see something or hear something, say something, and I promise we’ll act,” Judd said.

I don’t feel remotely sorry for James Royal Patrick.

Sure, it may have been just an idiot with internet access, with no real intent to do harm. That’s not the point. The point is we can’t know for sure, and you don’t make open threats, or encourage others to commit violence for any cause.

Hopefully, he’ll have a nice, long time to sit and think about what he did.


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