New Book Plans to Capitalize on Trump’s Paranoia

New Book Plans to Capitalize on Trump’s Paranoia November 25, 2018

The comparisons to President Richard Nixon’s irrational paranoia just are not fair.

Donald Trump is exceedingly more paranoid than President Nixon.

Ok. To be fair, if it were possible for such a petulant, spoiled elitist to be anything but irrational, paranoid, or easily twisted, President Trump hardly has the chance to prove it. From the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency, he has surrounded himself with the slimy kinds of rat-weasels that thrive on keeping men in his position rattled. It benefits them to point at everyone else and call them “enemy.”  They’re the Wormwoods that seek to remain close to power by making the powerful figures they cling to feel that they can only trust them. Meanwhile, they slowly drive them mad.

President Trump has more than the usual number of self-motivated clingers. They tell him what he wants to hear and play on his worst impulses.

Far too many of those sorts are found in the leadership positions of the evangelical church.

Other than those hucksters, however, you have the old, reliable standbys, such as Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.

Lewandowski and Bossie formerly served as candidate Trump’s campaign manager and deputy campaign manager. They’ve both always been reliably nasty characters, with Corey Lewandowski once grabbing and bruising a female reporter, Michelle Fields, who dared get too close to the gilded toad, as he was leaving a Florida campaign event.

Lewandowski denied the event, until video footage from the event proved that every word Fields claimed was true.

He’s just a thug. And a liar. He also still serves in an advisory role to the president.

Now, Lewandowski and Bossie have teamed up to write their second book about President Trump.

The first book was “Let Trump Be Trump,” released in 2017. It was a loving memorial to Donald Trump’s worst impulses on the campaign trail.

The Washington Post has obtained a copy of the new book, titled “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency.” You can tell right away that this will be a further perpetuation that the president is surrounded by enemies, many who are hiding in plain sight.

In fact, Lewandowski and Bossie insist that there are “embedded enemies” in Trump’s administration, and they go on to name names.

Some of the names have already moved on, such as former National Economic Council director, Gary Cohn.

Cohn left the administration in protest of President Trump’s ill-advised tariffs. He had advised Trump of the dangers to our economy (trade wars kill economies), but the oft-bankrupted businessman refused to listen.

Sadly, the nation’s economy will now take the place of Trump’s daddy, who, while still alive, used his fortune to prop up his son’s failing business ventures.

We’re still not completely sure who kept Trump financially afloat after Fred Trump passed away.

Another named “enemy” in the book is Rob Porter, the former staff secretary who was forced out, after news of his abuses of former wives and girlfriends was made public.

Oh, look! Somebody as nasty as Lewandowski!

Of course, there’s mention of all the expected “enemies,” as well. In this case, “enemies” would be Democrats or anybody who criticizes Trump.

“There are far too many people in the deep reaches of the federal government who harbor as deep a hatred of Trump as does anyone from the Clinton/Obama cabal,” the authors write, according to the Post. “The thing is, they get away with it when no one is looking.”

The book also includes an interview with the president, in which Trump blasts the “Fake News” as the “greatest enemy of this country” and says that he should have fired former FBI director James Comey sooner: “I should have fired him the day after I won and announced please get the hell out.”

Lewandowski and Bossie’s book, which the Post says “reads in part like Trump’s Twitter grievances in book form,” falls in line with Trump’s accusations of a “deep state” working against him inside the administration.

In other words, this is just propaganda, meant to appeal to the MAGA faithful. No one else will take it seriously. How could they? Anyone who has heard Trump’s rants know how unhinged and immature the man is.

We can safely assume that this new book was inspired by the anonymous op-ed in The New York Times earlier in 2018, allegedly penned by a senior administration official.

In the op-ed, the author claimed that there were some within Trump’s White House staff who were actively working to hold back his more destructive inclinations – such as taking papers from his desk that might lead him in a disastrous direction.

The writer advised that “adults” were still at work in the Trump White House.

Some have expressed outrage that there someone would write this op-ed and have it so publicly posted, calling it “cowardly.”

Others took comfort in it.

Opportunists like Lewandowski and Bossie, however, saw it as just the right red meat opportunity for the base.

And they do intend to capitalize.

The book is due out on November 27, but for those who’ve paid attention to Trump’s rants for the last two years, we’ve already read it.


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