Justin Amash Unbowed by Torrent of Abuse From MAGAville

Justin Amash Unbowed by Torrent of Abuse From MAGAville May 20, 2019

Of all the political talk burning up the weekend news cycle, perhaps the hottest would be the firestorm created by Michigan Representative Justin Amash.

On Saturday, a month after the final [redacted] version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russia and potential Trump campaign ties in the 2016 election was released, Amash took to social media to give what he called his principal findings.

Right away, his take stands out, just for the mere fact that he didn’t rush to a conclusion, either good or bad.

That’s something both sides of the political aisle are guilty of, with most lawmakers declaring Trump guilty or exonerated, based on their particular partisan bent, within hours of the report’s release.

Hey, guys… How about taking time to read and study the report, in full, rather than rushing to a judgment that makes you seem like disingenuous hacks?

I wrote about this Saturday, highlighting Representative Amash’s conclusions.

Of course, what we all knew would happen in this chaotic world of Trumpism, has happened.

Amash has been excoriated by Donald Trump’s flying monkeys, both the average MAGA street dolt and his Trump-faithful colleagues in Congress.

Grasp this: He’s being attacked for taking his time to read and absorb the report, apply his knowledge of the Constitution and the law, and then speaking out.

Partisanship kills.

OH – and of course, now there’s a primary challenger in Michigan, because, you know, a Republican lawmaker with an “A” Liberty Score rating is far too much conservatism for the party of Trump.

We’ll talk about that nonsense later.

Trump called Amash a “loser.”

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy called Amash’s words “disturbing,” and went on to agree with his boss, Trump.

“What he wants is attention in this process. He’s not a criminal attorney. He’s never met Mueller. He’s never met Barr. And now he’s coming forward with this?” McCarthy quipped. “He wants a Sunday show to put his name forward with a question.”

“But it’s very disturbing. This is exactly what you would expect from Justin. He never supported the president. And I think he’s just looking for attention.”

At this point, I’m going to remind everyone that Justin Amash has an “A” Liberty Score from Conservative Review.

Kevin McCarthy has an “F.”

Then again, the days of Coolidge, Reagan, and Buckley have given way to damnable Trumpism, where “conservatism” is now largely defined by how subservient you are to a big government grifter who voted Democrat, along with giving sizable contributions to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton for many years.

In Trump’s GOP, it’s about looking the other way when Trump fractures, or outright ignores conservative tenets, in favor of the same things they railed against for years.

I guess it wasn’t so much the big government liberalism they opposed, so much as they really just wanted it under the banner of “Republican.”

The argument I keep hearing from the flying monkeys of Trumpism is that with there being no underlying crime (conspiracy/collusion), then there could be no obstruction.

Even to a lay person, that’s a moronic assessment, in the gentlest of terms.

Investigations are what happens before determining someone’s involvement in a possible crime. It makes no sense for an innocent person to attempt to stop the actions that will clear their name. And whether innocent or guilty, any law enforcement agency that hears of a possible crime and fails to investigate is derelict in their duty.

That goes for all law enforcement, whatever the crime, so how much more so those agencies tasked with guarding our nation’s security?

What Trump’s party is attempting to do to Representative Amash in the aftermath of his Saturday statement is beyond contemptible.

They’re working to silence an actual, principled conservative voice within their ranks, when there are so few left in Washington.

So what does Amash do?

On Monday afternoon he took to Twitter, just as he did on Saturday, and answered the cretinous horde of Republican liberals.

Get ready…

Yes, they did, but…

To be fair, they only claim that for this president.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

I saw an article on Justin Amash recently that referred to him as the loneliest man in Congress. I dare say, this will not win him any friends.

With that said, I’m glad to see he’s not wilting or hiding away. He’s facing his detractors head on, without the MAGA histrionics. He’s using the law, and only the law.

That’s the mark of a leader. It’s something we’ve been missing for so very long.

Could someone forward the word to Kevin McCarthy that this is the kind of lawmaker who deserves our attention?





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