February 28, 2017

In our over-scheduled and over-stimulated society, addiction is everywhere. It’s the millennial who can’t put down her smartphone while having lunch with friends, it’s the father who takes home work on the weekend, or the people pleaser who won’t stand up for themselves in a relationship. The truth is, most of us are addicts in some way and exceedingly our drug of choice is comfort. Regardless of how “safe” or “harmless” the behaviors might seem, if we are using it to... Read more

February 22, 2017

by Megan Schmidt If you pay attention to the work of astronomers, you might know that the universe was born from the Big Bang about 13.75 billion years ago, that it’s made of 70 percent dark energy, and that the universe is rapidly expanding and cooling as it ages. What do all of these theories (or facts, depending on your worldview) have in common? It’s humans who have made these scientific discoveries—based on their knowledge, training, expertise, experiences, and the... Read more

January 12, 2017

Author Erin Straza answers questions about her new book, Comfort Detox, featured in the Patheos Book Club. Why do you think detoxing is so popular today? What does it say about our society? Erin Straza: People want freedom from the excesses they’ve become accustomed to. Small indulgences, over time, can wield great authority in our lives! There are countless detox programs available on the market today for food, drugs, relationships, stress, digital usage, and more. We are looking for ways to... Read more

January 10, 2017

Here's a question I pondered for years: Can I be a feminist and be pro-life? Already as a teen, I identified as a feminist and had a lot of interest in women's issues. I spent years wrestling with how my feminist beliefs and my views on abortion might fit together, because I wasn't well versed in the first wave of feminism, but only the second wave (thanks to my school and the media), the one that most people understand to be feminism but which is in stark contrast to the first wave and its support for life. Read more

January 2, 2017

These are strange times for the apostle Paul. The contemporary resurgence of Calvinism and Reformed theology as promoted by writers like John Piper has prompted a renewed interest in the traditional Protestant interpretations of Paul. At the same time, a movement known as the “New Perspective on Paul,” launched by E.P. Sanders and popularized N.T. Wright, has questioned these traditional interpretations of Paul and has gained a significant following. Read more

November 29, 2016

Twenty-some years ago, Joan Wester Anderson was writing about any number of things for parents, career moms, and more, until one of her son’s had an extraordinary experience. That experience, and her exploration of it and all that ensued, changed the course of her writing and triggered a great stream of interest in all things angelic. Her bestseller, Where Angels Walk, is now twenty-five years old and still a powerful read. This new edition invites a new generation to encounter the presence... Read more

November 23, 2016

Ten years ago, Fr. James Martin wrote a best-seller: My Life With the Saints. In it, he introduced sixteen Catholic saints and wove their stories into his. Now he has updated this memoir with his reflections on the saints, his own yearning for saintliness, and new stories. Patheos invited Fr. Martin to answer some of the questions our readers might have as they encounter Fr. Martin’s wisdom and explore the lives of these men and women who have so powerfully changed human... Read more

November 22, 2016

Paul has often been a lightning rod for the church. Jesus may be called “meek and mild,” but no one has ever thought of Paul that way. From the beginning, he challenged everyone—apostles, church members, Roman authorities, fellow Jews. His writings are dense, passionate, and at times, as Peter wrote, “hard to understand.” Yet his zeal only matches his confidence in the power of Christ to change the world. Brandon O’Brien and Randolph Richards have tackled Paul’s reputation head-on. Point by... Read more

November 15, 2016

There are multiple analogies for living the Christian life, but one of the most ancient is the idea of a journey—a journey through life, a journey home to God. And within that general imagery, we can pick up master works on such iterations as pilgrimages, climbing, sailing, dancing. Paul uses the image when he talks about running a race, a race you mean to win (1 Corinthians 9:24). Pastor Rob Fuquay has drawn that very image into the 21st century,... Read more

November 15, 2016

As the Christmas season approaches, some anticipate it with wonder and faith, and others dread it as a reminder of pain and loss. And then there are many others who simply do not understand or resonate with the meaning or purpose of the holiday. Thomas Moore’s new book, The Soul of Christmas, is for all of these, and for the ones who don’t even think about the season at all. In this gentle and accessible book, Moore explores the imagery, the mystery,... Read more

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