WMD in Iraq

WMD in Iraq August 13, 2005

WaPo reports: U.S. troops raiding a warehouse in the northern city of Mosul uncovered a suspected chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals believed destined for attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces and civilians, military officials said Saturday.

The astonishingly on-top-of-things Ed Morrissey has managed to break it down, even as he travels:

No one believes at this point that the chemicals predate the fall of Saddam. That would mean that the chemicals made it into Mosul either by bringing them out of Syria or from a safe storage area in Northern Iraq. Either of those two scenarios could point back to pre-invasion Iraq as the source of the chemicals themselves, however; the former scenario only adds the possibility that Bashar Assad has lost his mind.

The size of this find makes it a significant development, both for the insurgency as it stands now and the sourcing of these chemical components. We may have some radical rethinking to do about the nature of not just the terrorists in Iraq, but also the war narrative that said Saddam had no WMD available for his use.

We’ll have to find out where this stuff came from and whether it was “returned” to Iraq from where it got stored in the 8 months Saddam had to hide stuff while we went, back and forth with the UN.

All in all, not a great week for memes from the left.

Meme 1)There were no WMD in Iraq – Bush lied! Well, those non-existant WMD may have been “returned,” to Iraq, after all – and it is impossible for President Bush to have “lied” by believing the same thing his predecessor – along with France, Germany, UK, Israel and Ted Kennedy believed, that Saddam DID have WMD. To fair-minded, sane people, if a man believes something in 1998, and another man also believes it in 2001…that’s not “lying” that is merely “believing the same thing.”

Btw…Does anyone remember the young Iraqi male with the blue lab-book who was trying to hand the book to a blue-helmeted, Sgt Schultz looking UN “investigator” who refused to look at him or take the book? Remember how Saddam’s police took him away? I’ve always wondered what that young man wanted to share in the lab-book, and what ever happened to him. I remember praying for his safety, because he sure looked terrified when he was dragged off.

Meme 2:) Former DOJ #2, (Hillary Appointee) Jamie Gorelick’s seat on the 9/11 Commission was not a conflict of interest: We see now that the 9/11 Commission, upon which sat the author of the “wall” policy, omitted information which suggested no only that Atta (and possibly his pals) was “known” (along with a Brooklyn terrorist cell), and that the “knowing” couldn’t help us because of the policies of the late 1990’s and 2000 wherein intelligence gatherers were unable to share information (!).

Meme 3) Iraq had no connection – none – to 9/11. By refusing to look at the Atta information, the 9/11 Commission did not have to give due consideration to reports that Atta had met an Iraqi rep in Prague, was known in Iraq, etc.

Meme 4) Sandy Berger, har-har, he’s just so dang forgetful! But totally innocent of wrongdoing! It just seems too “odd” a co-incidence that Sandy Berger was stuffing top-secret National Archive documents into his pants and jacket at just about the time the 9/11 Commission was hearing/not hearing/oh, yeah, hearing-but-only-slightly, about Able Danger. Berger “inadvertently destroyed” documents – we may never know what they were. The 9/11 Commission is now sending “staff members” to the National Archives to find and retrieve documents that…may very well have disappeared…how convenient.

Pictures of the Iraq find here. Lots of spinning going on by the left, who are having a bad week.

No wonder they’re clinging to poor, exploited “Mother Sheehan” like orphans looking for full breast.

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