Amusing mini-hypocrisy of the day

Amusing mini-hypocrisy of the day January 10, 2006

Instapundit links to it at The Volokh Conspiracy:

Quick, Someone Call the American Library Association: Over at Crooked Timber, Kieran Healy has obtained library records that identify the reading habits of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Can a Firestone Library Privacy Protection Act be far behind?

But…but…I thought accessing someone’s library records was, you know…bad…and an invasion of privacy and stuff…

Just amusing, is all. It’s amazing what’s tolerable when political expediency enters the picture.

UPDATE: Reader Andy prompts me to note (quite rightly) that Keiran Healy specifically noted that he did not actually try to find out what book Alito had read. Absolutely true, and I missed it. So, really, I guess it’s only a MICRO-mini hypocrisy, if one at all! :-) Thanks, Andy!

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