Vocations flowering

Vocations flowering February 28, 2006

It’s been happening for a while, but increasingly we’re seeing religious communities, particularly those which keep Jesus within the Eucharist as their focus, increase in numbers, even as the more progressive orders are fading.

At St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, California (OC, for pete’s sake!) The Norbertine Fathers are looking for more space because they are turning young men away from their prayerful place for lack of room. (The picture of the rose, btw, is from their photo gallery).

I thought as we begin Lent it might be good to take a look at communities which are flourishing in what JPII called this “Springtime…”

A friend in touch with some of the nuns at Our Lady of the Incredible Candy – oops – Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey reports that they are raising money to expand for they are out of room!

The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration have no more rooms and are recommending young women to other houses.

The Benedictines at St. Walburga’s Abbey have added three more postulants to the novitiate.

The Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration have a novice and another coming!

The Nashville Dominicans report they have more Sisters than ever in their 142-year history – median age is 36.

Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist haven’t finished building their new motherhouse yet and are already almost out of room. They’re young’uns too.

Carmelites of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Los Angeles, a large and thriving community.

Sr. Greta is a few months in the cloister but not expecting to be alone in the novitiate for long.

Bro. Lew (another Dominican) seems pretty happy.

Cistercian Women filling up a house.

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist

Fairly new Benedictines in Vermont.

Franciscan Sisters, TOR

Alton Franciscans.

The Fathers of Mercy.

Poor Clares in Bethlehem

Cistercian Nuns.

The Monks of Clear Creek Monastery

5 young men move forward at Conception Abbey.

Monastery of the Holy Spirit

St. Vincent Abbey

Daughters of St. Paul.

The Sisters of Life are young and growing, founded by the great Cardinal O’ Connor.

A really attractive “Benedictine Family” site.

From Catholic to Muslim to Monk.

CSM examines the New Fervor Among Young Italian Catholics. h/t Vatican Watcher.

Common to all of these sites – an overriding sense of joy!

I read somewhere that there are currently more seminarians training to be priests, worldwide, than there were in 1961. They’re predominantly in Asia and Africa, because the West is becoming Mission Country! :-)

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