No Purple Heart for an Inside Attack?

No Purple Heart for an Inside Attack? March 15, 2006

This is rather surprising to me. Kokonutpundits write:

It has come to my attention, quite shockingly, that the Pentagon has not yet given out Purple Hearts to the soldiers killed and wounded in the grenade and rifle attack at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait a few days before the start of the Iraq war on March 23, 2003. It has been three since the attack and family and service members are wondering why the Pentagon’s refusal to give out Purple Hearts? One of them was my cousin, Major Gregory Stone, who was mortally wounded from the grenades that were tossed in his tent while he slept.

You remember this case, don’t you? Hard to forget – when an American soldier, Sgt. Akbar, threw a grenade into a tent of sleeping soldiers? While Akbar is now convicted of murder and awaiting execution, the families of the killed and wounded soldiers hear that no purple hearts are forthcoming because Akbar was “a criminal, not the enemy.”

This is a different world than the one in which the rules for such awards were written. And a very different sort of war. Writes Kokonuts:

It’s time that this guideline on the awarding of the Purple Heart be changed to reflect the changes on the current tactics used by terrorists against soldiers in both combat and non-combat situations. U.S. soldiers deserve much better respect than this.

He links to a petition drive to have new considerations included in the guidelines.

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