With the vote, the Dems stand revealed

With the vote, the Dems stand revealed June 16, 2006

A good piece by Hugh Hewitt on the 256-153 vote in the house which spells out clearly and succinctly why the Democrats cannot be trusted to win the war on terror, here or in Iraq, or anywhere else.

Hugh directs you to read this piece on spinning Zarqawi and writes, “The vast majority of Democratic Congressmen refuse to endorse victory and they refuse to face facts. Which is why a Democratic majority in either the House or the Senate will cripple the war effort.”

Go check out all of his excellent and interesting links and then see what the Dems said this afternoon about how they’re going to take back the house. It’s crucial to them, of course, because they’ll never impeach President Bush if they don’t. But really…if you read the full resolution that just got passed in the house (at Hugh’s) and realize they couldn’t come together to vote for it…you realize that this gang is way too conflicted to govern.

I’m not much for GOP propaganda, but I say, there have a point, hereZarqawi by Thomas Joscelyn: There is abundant evidence that Saddam’s regime, at the very least, tolerated Zarqawi’s existence in regime-controlled areas of Iraq prior to the war. Moreover, at least three high-level al Qaeda associates have testified to Saddam’s warm welcome for Zarqawi and his associates.

Consider what a top al Qaeda operative, Abu Zubaydah, told his CIA interrogators after his capture in March 2002. According to the Senate Intelligence Report, Zubaydah said “he was not aware of a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.” But, he added that “any relationship would be highly compartmented and went on to name al Qaeda members who he thought had good contacts with the Iraqis.” Zubaydah “indicated that he heard that an important al-Qaida associate, Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi, and others had good relationships with Iraqi intelligence.”

Zubaydah’s testimony has since been further corroborated by a known al Qaeda ideologue, Dr. Muhammad al-Masari. Al-Masari operated the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights, a Saudi oppositionist group and al Qaeda front, out of London for more than decade. He told the editor-in-chief of Al-Quds Al-Arabi that Saddam “established contact with the ‘Afghan Arabs’ as early as 2001, believing he would be targeted by the US once the Taliban was routed.” Furthermore, “Saddam funded Al-Qaeda operatives to move into Iraq with the proviso that they would not undermine his regime.”

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