Thank you for your generous donations

Thank you for your generous donations March 17, 2008

From time-to-time I get a notice from or Paypal that someone has been so kind as to make a gift to the site (and yes, I do claim them on my taxes!) Paypal donations always include the name and email address of the giftor, thus I am always able to send a personal note of thanks. Amazon, for some reason, does not always give me that information. I don’t know, perhaps folks elect to be anonymous.

In any case, I was shocked to receive a notice from Amazon of just over $100 in donations from 5 anonymous folks. Please allow me to thank you for your kindness, whoever you are, and know that your generosity is very much appreciated.

I get a great deal from my readers – spiritual support, prayers, funny cartoons, helpful links and advice – all of that is mighty helpful, particularly your prayers. Having been through a time in my life when no one was praying for me, anywhere (and remembering keenly how that felt) I am always heartfully grateful and humbled to know that anyone is praying for me, anywhere.

Your prayers are like gold to me; gifts such as these are (in one sense) “gravy” but in another real sense to help keep me blogging. And they make me hope that I the stuff I throw up here every day is worth something to you, in return, and that I’m not simply trying your patience most days! Thank you, and bless you!

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