Jesus in the Eucharist – UPDATED

Jesus in the Eucharist – UPDATED April 22, 2008

Poster available at

I’m actually working on a piece answering various questions/rants that were sent my way during Benedict’s visit, but I haven’t had time yet to really put it together. But first and foremost I can answer this one question, which I was asked several times:

Do you really, truly, actually believe that Jesus is Present – physically present – in the Eucharist?

Oh, yes. Why shouldn’t God – who can raise the dead and walk on water – be able to do that?

(Photos by BK)

These young men, happening upon a Eucharistic procession, believe it too. (H/T)

As I’ve said before, if you find it impossible to believe – and that’s not unreasonable – see for yourself. Find a place where Adoration is offered sit there before the Blessed Sacrament for a little while. Or if you can’t do that, try praying some psalms while keeping this site opened and before you. You’ll see! :-)

He is with us, even to the ends of the earth.

UPDATE: I love NYC Mayor Ed Koch’s remembrance of his great friend and “true brother” Cardinal John O’ Connor in this wonderful piece about Catholics and Jews, but I am very moved to read his understanding of our shared values, and the Catholic reverence for the Eucharist. (Thanks Siggy)

Catholics must feel similarly moved when they receive communion. Some receive the consecrated wafer from the priest into their own hands, while others receive it on their tongues. When that happens, the communicants generally make the sign of the cross, hold their hands together and walk off with an aura of purity and in a state of grace for those few moments of the Mass. Their eyes convey the same rapture that I see in the eyes of Jews kissing the Torah.

I see that state of exaltation when I attend Christmas Midnight Mass and St. Patrick’s Day Mass every year at the request of the presiding Cardinal.

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