The Passing of a "True Monk"

The Passing of a "True Monk" August 19, 2010

A gorgeous remembrance of Sr. Angelika, OSB, by her Abbess at St. Walburga’s:

In 1980, with Mother Maria-Thomas as superior, she was chosen to be the prioress. She served this call beautifully for many, many years. And she encouraged us in the same way that she encouraged the young monks. One of the sisters was saying this morning that you would go to her with a problem and she would sit there and listen very intently and she would give you an answer and you would say, “How did you know that?” All she would say was, “I had experience.” She learned by her experience. And she learned to love. One of the things that Mother Maria-Thomas was saying was that when Mother Maria-Thomas was in Germany and she was asked to come over to the United States, she was a little nervous and one of the sisters in Germany told her, “Sr. Angelika is there. She’s a very faithful and trustworthy sister. You’ll be able to lean on her.” What a mark of respect and love.

One of the things that came out in her own life is that she loved St. Gertrude of Helfta and through her writings, she said that’s when she came to learn how to live the daily life in and out in a holy way. She said she was praying one day and said, “God what is my word in life? What would you like me to pray?” And she said there came to her, immediately within her, the word, “Yes. Yes is your prayer word.” That’s how she lived. Everything that came, she said “yes” to God’s will. That is the mark of a monk, a true monk who seeks God in everything.

Having entered the cloister at age 16, Sr. Angelika was 75 years in religion. You can see her lovely picture at the link.

May the angels lead her into paradise.

I do love my Benedictines!

Speaking of which, the Benedictine Nuns of the UK’s Holy Trinity Monastery (“A monastery of Roman Catholic Benedictine nuns in the Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire”) is a community founded by three nuns formerly of Stanbrook Abbey and they’ve adapted to the digital age in a big way. You can easily find yourself spending a lot of time at their site.

Sr. Catherine (known as “DigitalNun” on Twitter) has the grooviest graphic:

Now they’re issuing a daily-digi Catholic newspaper of sorts, The Sr. Catherine Daily, which I at first found amusing and adorable, and now find a great resource, in addition to Kevin Knights indispensable New Advent.

The nun’s blog is here

While I’m linking to things Catholic, this is coolio, via the Deac:

More Catholic stuff:

Pope Benedict on Kneeling to Receive Communion:

The Holy Father’s reasoning is simple: “We Christians kneel before the Blessed Sacrament because, therein, we know and believe to be the presence of the One True God.” (May 22, 2008)

According to the pope the entire Church should kneel in adoration before God in the Eucharist. “Kneeling in adoration before the Eucharist is the most valid and radical remedy against the idolatries of yesterday and today” (May 22, 2008)

Not too long ago I received while kneeling for the first time in decades and I must say, it was sort of wonderful.

As Flannery O’ Connor said, If it’s just a symbol, then to hell with it

Do you remember us talking about this book of essays? Now it can also be ordered Via Amazon

Speaking of colleges – if you have or know any kids attending Catholic colleges, please pass this survey on to them!. They could win an iPad!

Two First Things Must Reads: Joe Carter on the “gay gene eugenics” question and R. R. Reno on the pleasures of self-hatred:

The West has much to regret, as do all societies, all cultures. The critical moment remains necessary, otherwise we make an idol of our worldly loves. Yet, as Pascal Bruckner recognizes, today we gorge on critique. We need to recover the affirmative moment of solidarity, rededicating ourselves to what we have inherited rather than imagining ourselves at a denouncing distance. For gratitude and loyalty bind the heart, motivating us to restore, renovate, and reform.

Along with my piece from Tuesday self-hate seems to be a theme for the week! I had hoped to go there as a stringer but that fell through.

Why I Am Catholic celebrates one year online!

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The Papal UK Itinerary

Part II of the Exorcist Interview

Msgr. Charles Pope on on the GZM

Anyone teaching CCD this year? Be an Amazing Catechist!

A cool gaming blog

Don’t forget
the Word of the Day!

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