Jury Duty Ends

Jury Duty Ends October 21, 2010

Well, I didn’t get picked to serve on a jury. I am not a rural juror. My name never came out of the little spinny thing, so while I heard the lawyers discuss the barebones of a civil case to twenty prospective jurors, I was never asked whether I could have served on the case, which I could have.

The worst part of Jury Duty: sitting in a room with four television screens (!) each tuned to CNN and blaring. I rarely watch television at night, and never in the morning, unless there is breaking news, so I have to ask, do the people on CNN bellow like that all the time? Do they not realize they are mic’d?

After the lunch break, the volumn got turned down a bit and the talking heads seemed less animated, but my Lord, the morning was annoying.

This is something I have noticed about morning tv when I’m at an early doctor’s appointment, too: morning television seems so loud – the people all seem like they’re yelling; on The View it seems like they’re screaming. How awful!

Oddest thing about Jury Duty:
couldn’t bring in my coffee; only water permitted inside. The vending machine selling water was broken. One older lady had a bottle of water with her, and every time she opened it up and took a sip, I smelled gin. But she had a twinkle in her eye, so it must have been vodka, because as we all know, no one twinkles on gin.

Best thing about Jury Duty: An hour and a half for lunch? What luxury. A parkbench, some birdies and ducks; very nice.

So, I’ve done my duty and I’m back on the job, but blogging is going to be light, today. I’m a little under-the-weather with an old problem flaring up.

Gotta tell you I am shocked that you guys were even bellyaching at each other over my “nothing” Jury Duty post from yesterday. You guys need to get happy. Watch this 3 year old conducting Beethoven. Ponder his astounding musicality and stick around to the end, when the music overwhelms him into belly-laughing joy!

If you’re still grouchy after this, I give up!

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