January 3, 2007

Ace of Spades and his commenters have all the info you need on Jamil Hussein. Cool Facts About Police Captain Jamil Hussein If you ever meet him, ask him to pull up his shirt. Don’t worry, he’s used to it. The real Jamil has two pupiks. Also, you can say any phrase you want to him and he will turn it into an anagram, just like Dick Cavett. He’s slightly colorblind, plasma TVs give him a headache, and he’s gonzo... Read more

January 3, 2007

I linked to lots of “new years” themed blogposts here, but only just found this one by Cobb which struck me as a particularly well-thought out list of resolutions. I like these bits: Something in my gut tells me that beer is supposed to be drunk during the day with BBQ and Corn, not at night with peanuts and buffalo wings. I know this is the old man in me. So if it’s going to be a bar, let it... Read more

January 3, 2007

Hero Wesley Autrey, photo by Felix Bryant What a great story! A real hero in the city! A hero construction worker left his two young daughters on a Harlem subway platform and leaped into the path of an oncoming train yesterday to rescue a stranger who had fallen on the tracks. “Tell my little girls that Daddy is OK!” Wesley Autrey shouted from under the No. 1 train after it screeched to a halt. It was just inches above him... Read more

January 3, 2007

I confess, this morning I turned to Captains Quarters – as I do every morning, because Ed is the best – and I read this story about yet another Clinton pal breaking the law with impunity (ala Sandy Berger, whose “sentence” for stealing classified documents was laughable) and I found myself despairing a bit: Suzanne Magaziner, the wife of Clinton friend and organizer Ira Magaziner and herself a major activist with ties to the new Governor in Massachusetts, got her... Read more

January 2, 2007

:SCROLL MIDWAY FOR A RATHER DISORIENTING UPDATE: President Gerald R. Ford is laid to rest. Pajamas Media has great pics. Betty Ford looks so sad. On the Jamil Hussein front, Eason Jordan says “If an Iraqi police captain by the name of Jamil Hussein exists, there is no convincing evidence of it and that means the Associated Press has a journalistic scandal on its hands that will fester until the AP deals with it properly.” Good for Mr. Jordan. You’ll... Read more

January 1, 2007

Jeanette at Hang Right Politics highlights this moving story of a father-and-soldier’s message to his now-fatherless infant son, a journal written while on duty in Iraq, where this good man sadly lost his life doing what he believed in. The full story is here. Only slightly off topic, I wonder if we might not shorten this war, and lose fewer good men and women, if we took some examples from the Ethiopians who are crushing Islamofascists in Somalia. The first... Read more

January 1, 2007

Ah, I love this playful duet – the opening of Le Nozze de Figaro – especially by these two splendid performers. Cinque… dieci/Se a casa. A good way to start the new year! This duet seques immediately into Figaro’s first great aria, Se Vuol ballare, (“If you want to dance, little Count, Figaro will call the tune…”) which you can view here. You can purchase the whole fine concert here: Read more

December 31, 2006

In his column Truth, Justice, Abortion and the Times Magazine the Times’ “public editor” (used to be known as an “ombudsman” a fine word sadly underused) has written a rather strong indictment against a controversial cover story in the Magazine, the story’s writer and editors, and the “top editors” (he wrote that phrase twice) who rather pooh-poohed those who wrote with concerns as to the story’s veracity. Ombudsman Byron Calame (of whom I wrote disparagingly, here) takes some strong lines,... Read more

December 31, 2006

In 2005 Buster made his predictions, and they were so-so. in 2006, I made mine. They were stinkers. Clearly I am no sage or prophet! Although I did get numbers 7,8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19 and 21 mostly right. Of course…pretty much everyone would have predicted the same, so I’m no good at this game! 2007…no predictions. The world is too crazed. Anything can happen. Ambivablog notes we still don’t know what to call this decade, although her suggestion... Read more

December 30, 2006

Ed Morrissey has the tape and the right response. We’ve known for a while that journalists have lost the ability to make fine distinctions. Now, some of them can’t make broad one’s either? Someone wrote to me last night that Anderson Cooper had done a really good job – that he was forceful in reminding viewers that without coalition troops Saddam would still be in power. The writer gave props to Cooper saying (I’m paraphrasing, from memory) “this execution and... Read more

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