December 18, 2006

While I’ve never been a fan of Hillary Clinton, I have always respected (and expressed respect) for the fact that she didn’t do the usual shuck-n-jive dance regarding her vote for the war in Iraq. She seemed to me to be holding on to her own assertion that the intelligence regarding Saddam’s dangerous capabilities were (as she said) “consistant with what we saw when we were in the White House,” and remaining intellectually honest about the fact that, given the... Read more

December 18, 2006

Daisy Cutter says we have no press, and asks some interesting questions about how journalists operate these days. You’ll want to read it. Roger Simon links to Victor David Hanson who wonders if we have “serious” politicians anymore: Does running for President allow a candidate to freelance at a time of war by talking to our enemies and triangulating against the president? Why is Gov. Richardson talking to North Koreans, or Sen. Kerry trying to talk to the Iranians, or... Read more

December 18, 2006

You must run over – yes, run, immediately – over to Scribal Terror and watch/listen to the exquisite video she’s posted of “Panis Angelicus” sung by St. Phillips’ Church Boys’ Choir of Norbury UK. Haunting and perfect. She also has posted a lovely version of O Holy Night sung by Welshman (and Welshboy) Aled Jones, here. Take a moment from your busy day for something gorgeous, and for the season. Even if you “hate” Christmas you would have to be... Read more

December 18, 2006

Votes have been tallied and the winners are announced!. I must admit, very few of my personal faves ended up winning, but congrats to all, and to Kevin Aylward and crew, for doing their usual great job. I was saddened to hear from one blogging friend that his site seemed to be under attack during much of the voting time. He never made the accusation that there was a connection, so I won’t, either, but the timing of the attacks... Read more

December 18, 2006

I have to admit this is fun! I find that I have been fortunately enough to have been nominated (and seconded) as a contender in Gay Patriot’s Grand Conservative Blogress Diva, along with such other Diva-wannabees as: Ann Althouse Little Miss Attila Tammy Bruce Dymphna of Gates of Vienna e-Claire Townhall’s Mary Katharine Ham Sondra K of Knowledge is Power National Review Online’s K-Lo (Kathryn Jean Lopez) Michelle Malkin Virginia Postrel of Dynamist Blog Kathy Shaidle of Relapsed Catholic Alexandra... Read more

December 15, 2006

Some funny, amusing or just interesting stuff…because I am forever thinking of you, dear readers! ;-) Laura Lee shows us that the troops have a sense of humor Ambivablog links to some unfreakinbelievable chalk drawings by Julian Beever. Dr. Melissa Clouthier asks so just what are you worried about, America? The Curt Jester brings us carefully wrapped nuns. The Shrine of the Holy Whapping tours a gorgeous Presbyterian church and asks a pointed question at the end. Bulldog Pundit has... Read more

December 15, 2006

You Are an Angel A truly giving soul, you understand the spirit of Christmas. What Christmas Ornament Are You? My husband would disagree, I think. h/t Julie at Happy Catholic. Read more

December 15, 2006

I’m a longtime fan of WaPo film critic Stephen Hunter. He’s a crackerjack writer – witty and insightful – and I find his film reviews to be very trustworthy. Perhaps we simply have similar tastes. In his review of Will Smith’s new flick The Pursuit of Happyness Hunter strikes an ironic note that might not go over with a too-literal-minded conservative reader, but stay with the review, because it (and the film) are worthy of attention. You can look up... Read more

December 15, 2006

Hadn’t seen it myself, but thanks to reader Piano Girl, I’ve had a chance to read some of these military letters to James Taranto of – men and women in uniform responding to the never-ending charge by John Kerry and Charles Rangel that our military is full of naive dupes, slack-jawed dopes or under-privileged folk with no alternatives to their miserable existances. The letters are impressive and heartening, and there are plenty of ’em. Sit back with a java... Read more

December 14, 2006

Lorie Byrd reports that Eason Jordan, whom neanderthal bloggers were accused of tire-necklacing a while back, has decided to head up an Iraq information site. Ed Morrissey has the full and accurate background on that whole story, and why Jordan’s new gig is full of irony. I’m kind of wondering what else it’s full of. Seems when Jordan’s new venture was announced, Michelle Malkin challenged him to get to the bottom of the “who is Jamil Hussein” question and Jordan... Read more

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