Now that election season is over, it’s time to think about the holidays. A time to think about family, gifts, who’s going to host the big dinner and of course the parties and the decorating. There is also fear of conversations and the many what-ifs that tend to come this time of year.
However, not everyone is looking forward to this season. Some people feel hurt, betrayed, and are just in a state of shock that they cannot come out of. And it’s perfectly understandable knowing the gravity of what happened this year in the 2024 election. A lot of us could not sleep, eat, and even got pretty sick from all the worry.
So how do we take care of ourselves when it feels and seems like all is lost; when it feels like there’s no one to turn to; when it feels like so many memories of one form or another return this time of year?
Relax and just be
Don’t push yourself. Take that deep breath. Do what you want to do or what makes you happy.
Do you feel like you just want to stay in bed? Not a problem. Go for it.
Maybe you need to listen to some music for a while. Find the music that resonates with you and brings you peace and happiness.
Binge watching your favorite TV show or YouTube videos is good too. Try to avoid the news and politics for awhile. The world is already too negative enough. That also includes social media.
Get active by exercising, cleaning, or just going outside
Sometimes the best way to get rid of negative energy is to move it out of our body. This includes all forms of physical activity such as yoga, hiking, and even cleaning.
Just going outside to get some fresh air or to go to another location for awhile does wonders. If its too cold out, just stick your head out of the door or door wall and take the deep breath. It really helps clear the mind a bit….and wake you up too.
Connect to your “chosen family” and community
I know of a few cases where friends and family were made no contact or deleted as Facebook or social media contacts because of who they voted for. Whether that is right or wrong really depends on who you are talking to and why they came to this decision.
But you got to wonder, in the end and when the smoke clears, will all of this separation really be worth it? Well, if it is a toxic relationship, sure. Those are the relationships you need to break, especially if they are triggering or abusive. So while you are taking care of yourself, perhaps you want to reflect on whether this separation is really worth ending a 20-year friendship or that close-knit family bond when all you really need to do is have a good sit-down conversation…not just a texting back and forth on messengers or on the phone. Then, you will know whether the relationship is worth continuing or not.
If you do have to end a relationship, remember that family is more than blood and the connections you make are to those that you support and those that support you in return.
Don’t forget about your spirit
You know they say don’t forget to stay “prayed up” and “keep the faith” right? Well, this is one of those times. If you believe in a higher power, connect with it and let it be your guide and you go through this tough time in your life.
If you don’t have a church or place of worship to go to, do a little research and explore. Find one in your area that suits you and makes you feel welcome and comfortable. There is always a place for someone.
If you don’t have reliable transportation, no worries. YouTube and the Internet are your friends. There is always something live or a topic for your soul for you to connect to. You can learn about meditation techniques, how to overcome adversity and so much more. Spiritual or self-help books in your library also come to mind here too. Maybe you have a special place where you pray and meditate at home.
But what if you don’t have a faith or believe in a higher power? No problem. Do what you know you can do. Sometimes within the no belief, there is some belief that is there, even if it’s just having some hope for yourself and the future.
Writing is good for the soul. Have a journal? Start writing. It’s the only thing in the world that will not talk back to you. And by writing you can clear out all the clutter from your mind and sometimes come up with ideas you never thought before. This is also where you can make plans, get lyrically creative, and so much more.
Remember what you can and can’t control
We can control how we react to things. We can control how to move on in our lives. We can control who we connect with. We can control what we can do now.
We just can’t control the future, because its not here yet. Why worry about something that may not even happen? Why try to control how someone else feels when people can’t nor should not be controlled in the first place?
Everyday life goes on and changes no matter what you do and how you feel in your life. Most of these things you don’t have to or need to control anyway. So, why even try now.
Focus on you. Focus on taking care of yourself. Focus on loving yourself unconditionally. And the more you focus on you, the world around you will feel better, whether you believe it or not.
About Susan
Susan is a fan of music and culture and kind of considers herself that way. To get to know a little more about her, as well as future updates, you can find her at the links below:
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