Dads, Get Back In The Game …

Dads, Get Back In The Game … April 21, 2013

… A strange thing happened on the way to Little League. The dads have all seemed to have lost their way to the games. You’ve heard of soccer moms; well now there are baseball moms and lacrosse moms and swim meet moms. Where are all the dads cheering for their kids from the bleachers? Surely not everyone is divorced. I know for a fact this isn’t the case on my son’s own team from talking to the other moms, yet game after game the fathers rarely make an appearance. It’s beyond frustrating.

Men, you are important. Men, you are valued in your child’s life. You provide more than a source of income to your family’s needs. Men, you were once the great discipliners. “Wait till your father gets home” was a phrase that struck fear in the heart of even the most rebellious child. You were the head of your household. The leader of your domestic church… not the useless oaf that is portrayed in every modern day sitcom. Just because society and feminists like to think of you as perpetual fuck ups, useless for anything other than sperm donor-ship, does not mean you get a free pass to physically and mentally check out of your child’s life.

Fathers, please realize your worth and importance in the dynamic of your family. I cannot stress this enough. Command the respect you deserve from your wife and child by showing an interest in their lives and being there. Fatherhood is under attack and it infuriates me to see men buckle under this pressure. Fight back. You are men after all. And that is why we love you, because of your strength. Take back manhood and fatherhood from feminists. Especially if you have boys… what kind of fathers will your sons grow to be if they are constantly told fatherhood isn’t important and your absence reinforces this twisted notion.

If you a father reading this, I implore you, get back in the game.

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