Fine Art Friday…

Fine Art Friday… June 13, 2014

… I feel I’m in desperate need of a palate cleanser from the nastiness I’ve witnessed and endured all week. Not just on the internet, but in my everyday life and at work.

Everybody’s hot, cranky and fight-y.

The only way to combat all the ugliness is to sit for awhile in beauty.

Sit in it. Soak it up. Focus on the finer details

Anton Raphael Mengs, Dream of St. Joseph

Turn up your speakers and take it all in…

Sit awhile with me here, in the stillness of beauty for a moment. Consider how beauty moves you. Calms you. Stirs the soul and makes you grateful that it exists.

Then thank God you’ve been given the insight to appreciate it all.

*The Real is a tag used in this instance as a nod to a specific person because this person understands what really matters.

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