A Treasure Trove of Trauma Resources
Leaning Forward Conference
Recently, The Desert Sanctuary hosted the latest Leaning Forward Conference (<—click here for resources). This time, we decided to elevate women’s voices.
It turned out great! And, we decided to preserve the videos on my YouTube Channel.
A Treasure Trove of Trauma Resources
In addition to the video, each speaker left behind links (<—click here for resources) to their specific specialty.
More Resources
We are also continuing to add resource links to this page, such as Ashley Easter’s new TedX video.
Please check it out, send us your links and help address this massive issue of religious and high-control trauma! A Treasure Trove of Trauma Resources.
Our latest book that parallels our work and healing!
314 – Unmasking Patriarchy: Diagnosing Narcissism & Abuse
New Lenses – My Story – Karl Forehand

Karl Forehand is a former pastor, podcaster, and award-winning author. His books include Out into the Desert, Leaning Forward, Apparent Faith: What Fatherhood Taught Me About the Father’s Heart, The Tea Shop and Being: A Journey Toward Presence and Authenticity. He is the creator of The Desert Sanctuary podcast and community. He is married to his wife Laura of 35 years and has one dog named Winston. His three children are grown and are beginning to multiply! You can read more about the author here