I’ve wanted to respond to your blog post of 11/19/13, Yvette, ever since I read it. You colorfully raise many of the same questions that trouble me.
You write:
I felt more in tune with the women admitting they are warriors;
Praying while in action is the way that I approach any cause.
There are many women warriors fighting only through prayer;
Do they have no action toward which to direct the rage that we share?
I strongly agree. I’m a believer in the African proverb, “While praying move your feet”! I have seldom enjoyed the company of more remarkable women, but it is not enough for me to come together to converse and pat each other on the back. One of the most potent events of the weekend was Alisa Starkweather’s facilitated grieving session, however, as much as I valued the experience, I don’t believe it is sufficient to merely wail, cry, and gnash our teeth over the tragedy and injustice around us while doing nothing collectively to address the issues.
Yvette wrote:
Who will feed our community? Food holds us all together.
Who will hold the babies and keep the youngsters on their tethers?
Who will tend to our dying and elderly as their spirits return to the universe?
These are the topics around which I’m desperate to converse.
Two years ago, Naomi Tutu challenged us to take action to support our less fortunate sisters both here and in the Third World. She inferred we would not have any real credibility until we had done so. I know we’re a small group. I know we can’t right all the world’s wrongs alone – but I know a small group of committed women working with Spirit can make a big difference. I’m dedicated to giving it my best effort and that’s why I flew out to Alchemy.
On the last day of our gathering, I waited to hear someone articulate an inspired vision for the collective work of the group that could carry us all forward but I left disappointed. Is our intent solely to encourage and support one another in individual efforts? I believe the power of Alchemy is in the power of our collective action to reflect and voice the principles of the Divine Feminine to the world; as long as we content ourselves with merely getting together to talk and returning home, we will never accomplish this mission.
I dream that someday there will be another similar sized Alchemy gathering that is connected via skype/internet to circles of
women around the world, that it will be a well publicized event, and that women will share with each other what we are
doing to actualize the perspectives of the divine feminine in our part of the globe. In this way, we could inspire women to action
and raise awareness about the important role women can play in transforming our world at this time. The power of Alchemy to
produce change could expand and grow. Are others interested in this idea?
In closing, as Yvette says:
We must celebrate and trust the committed competence of each other;
The earth can’t resist the pressure of a singly focused chain of mothers.
In Faith,
Meredith Tenney