How many times throughout the day have you taken notice to some form of pain, suffering, chaos, conflict or any other annoying activities? You may notice this either in your outer or inner environment, or both. If you do not notice anything at all then I suggest you check your heartbeat because you might be walking dead. For me, there are numerous times throughout the day where I witness and feel the “prick” of the world. Just the other day I was driving in LA; where the traffic, over populated spaces, and the blast of electromagnetic energy, was intense. I first thought it was controlled chaos. And that I was trapped in the mist of it all! This really sucks. But I concluded that it was just another day of humans gone wild. It’s our nature to do as we may, for better or worse. When I surrendered to the chaos, in an instant I found relief from the stress of the chaos.
Having lived much of my life trapped in a world of stress, I began to seek relief. At first I took refuge in sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. I am so sexy. Hence to say, that did not work out so well. Then it was the quintessential American dream: work, family, money and the pursuit of power. I am somebody important. Well, guess what, I was not happy. Something had to give or I would become the walking dead. It was serious!
Was I to walk around dead or was I going to live life to the fullest? I choose the latter. To be or not to be? One beautiful warm spring day as I was sitting on the beach in Malibu feeling a gentle breeze sweep off my brow, I asked myself, “what are you going to do about it?” The prick of the world, both inner and outer, was eating at my soul. I desperately needed relief. As the waves lapped back and forth, the sun began to descend into the blue Pacific. I heard a little voice in my heart, “follow the sun”. I took a few breaths, and connected with the sun. The blue sky, graced with a few white puffy clouds, began to turn shades of pink, orange, violet, and purple. In an instant, as I followed the setting sun, the stress of life drained away and the joy of being settled into my heart.
The natural world worked it’s magic in an instant.
What are your secrets to finding instant relief?
Daily Earth Mantra: In this instant I shall be relieved of pain, suffer and heart ache.