10 Cliches Christians Should Stop Saying

10 Cliches Christians Should Stop Saying July 5, 2016

Copyright: sorsillo / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: sorsillo / 123RF Stock Photo

I think people who say these cliches are mostly trying to be kind, grateful, and even humble when they say some of them. But if we really do want to be kind, grateful, and humble we need to think about these sayings a little more – and then stop saying them.

This is, by no means, a complete list. Nor is it in any particular order.

But it is a pretty good place to start…

10) Everything happens for a reason.
Implied in this is a very specific understanding of how God interacts with the world. Specifically, it says God directs all things. So, mass murders? God had a reason for that senseless act of violence. Stubbing your toe on the door frame? I guess God wanted to smite your toe.

This way of seeing God turns us all into puppets. God’s little play things who really have no freewill. Do you truly think a god needs toys? If so, do you really think we’re the best toys God could make to play with?

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