A Settled Mind

A Settled Mind July 10, 2023

Colossians 3: 1-4 KJV If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2Set your affection on things above, not on things on the Earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

There is a battlefield for the mind, where all battles begin. Our minds are like the software on a device. It is easily programmed with positive or negative things, like a phone, computer, or tablet. The scripture in Colossians tells us the key to overcoming the battles in this life.

We overcome all mind battles by seeking Heavenly things. As Christians, we have risen with Christ to a new life. In that case, if we focus on earthly affairs, it will only have temporal value. 


The Mind:

What is the mind, and how can we define it? First, we must understand that the mind is spiritual. It is the understanding, the intellect, the power that conceives judges or reasons our soul (mind) is in distinction from the body – Bible Hub.

The command to set our mind on things above is important. When our mind is set on things above, we focus on spiritual matters instead of earthly concerns. I know it’s hard because we see everything around us as physical, which often causes confusion, discouragement, and doubt. However, we must pray for our minds to focus on Heavenly affairs. 

If our minds are not settled or fixed on the things above, our thoughts will wander and float. Our mind wanders because it is spiritual. Like any spirit, we cannot see it, but it moves like the wind. In the book of James, we are warned about becoming double-minded. 

James 1:8 AMP ‘being a double-minded man, unstable and restless in all his ways [in everything he thinks, feels, or decides]. ‘  

Double-minded also means two souled. This person is unstable in everything. When our mind is unstable, it causes issues with commitment because our thoughts are pulled in two different directions. 

When we are double-minded, it causes our minds to wander, which leads to Unstable Thoughts. We will have difficulty committing to the Lord Jesus Christ if our thoughts are unstable. Someone who cannot commit will have tons of confusion. We must remember that God is not the author of confusion. Wherever there is confusion, envy, or bitter jealousy, and every evil work exists.

What causes our minds to wander?

Normally this is caused by our thoughts being torn between earthly and heavenly affairs. A wandering mind daydreams a lot, it does much thinking, but it can never do anything productive. Due to its wandering state, it doesn’t know which direction to go, which causes uncertainty, lack of confidence, scattered thoughts, and lack of proper communication. 

When my mind begins to wander, I overanalyze a lot. 

Think about the parable of the prodigal son. He left home as a wandering nomad and used all his resources in the world until he was in the pig pen. During this low state, he came to himself, repented to his Father, and communicated his wrongdoing. He was no longer a wandering prodigal; he was home and settled. 

God desires us to be settled in our minds and thoughts the same way. A settled mind has the peace of Jesus Christ and the comfort of God the Father. Most importantly, we will have simplified thoughts, limited distractions, and can hear clearly from God. A settled mind is clear of clutter and anxiety. 


Prayer: In closing, I want to pray for your mind. Wherever you are unsettled or wandering in your thoughts.

Lord Jesus, I pray for everyone reading this post that You will grant them the peace of mind that only you can provide. I pray for clarity of thoughts and the ability to focus on Jesus while setting their minds above. Keep us in perfect peace as we pray to dwell with you and run this race continually. We give you all praise and glory in Jesus’s name. Amen! 

About Tanicia Prioleau
Tanicia Prioleau is a Christian Author, blogger, and publisher. She writes intending to liberate people's minds using the word of God. Tanicia strives to bring glory to the Lord in everything she does. You can discover more about Tanicia at the links below. You can purchase Tanicia latest book "God's Celestial Network" which will help to deliver your mind from "The Matrix" https://remnantpub.com/product/gods-celestial-network/ You can read more about the author here.

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