Must Read

Sometimes a book will move from my bookshelf/currently reading list to the “Must Read” category. I have tried my best to keep to books relevant to liturgy and liturgical theology, but I have added some other favorites below.

Mitchell, Leonel. Praying Shapes Believing

Schmemann, Alexander. The Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom

Schmemann, Alexander. For the Life of the World

Kavanagh, Aidan. On Liturgical Theology

Fagerberg, David. What Is Liturgical Theology?

Fagerberg, David. On Liturgical Asceticism

Cavanaugh, William. Torture and Eucharist

Humphrey, Edith. Grand Entrance

Lathrop, Gordon. Holy Things

Lathrop, Gordon. Holy People

Lathrop, Gordon. Holy Ground