January 25, 2014

Christine, our illustrious editor here at the Patheos Pagan Channel, has encouraged us bloggers to reach out and chat with someone we have not actually met in person, but with whom we have had conversations, even debates, with, in cyberspace. The idea is to help elevate the discourse in the pagan blogosphere, and build our intellectual culture, as Christine put it. A wonderful idea, I say! Maybe some of you have seen that Lilith Dorsey of Voodoo Universe and I... Read more

January 25, 2014

Well, at least it's not the dreadful sounding adaptation that Michael Bay was planning to do with Jessica Alba and Doris Roberts (hooray for all the fans who shared their outrage and effectively killed this project); they'd even been planning to change the title to "The Sacrifice." Read more

January 24, 2014

Films coming in 2014: JUNE, MALEFICENT, ALTAR, and more! Read more

January 24, 2014

A new trailer debuted today for the new series about Salem witches to be broadcast on WGN. The series is not debuting for a while yet, but the network is definitely trying to get some advance buzz happening, and the social media campaign to promote the show has been going strong for weeks now. Because witches! Earlier publicity stills from the show showed “dunking stool” scenes, which is kind of annoying since, as any history buff knows, the dunking stool did... Read more

January 17, 2014

Here for your pleasure and delectation, another installment of our weekly video chats about AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN! Read more

January 17, 2014

Thanks for your patience, everyone! We’d hoped the mysterious lady in a top hat would share her photo again but alas, it has gone into the ether…like Stevie twirling her shawl in the mist… So here’s our winners!! This lovely photo from Nina wins the spell charm from Raven Moon’s Oracle! This intense and mystical pic from Cora Reed wins the tarot card reading from Raven Moon’s Oracle! The lovely Dio wins the custom designed COVEN t-shirt (made by the... Read more

January 11, 2014

Witches have really nice clothes, don't age, and make bad BFFs -- read on for these and other "truths" about witches from American Horror Story: Coven. Read more

January 10, 2014

We received some lovely entries for our Stevie Selfies contest! Click through to see some of these dreamy, magical portraits. Read more

January 8, 2014

Is AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN to blame for this latest media craze, just as the film THE CRAFT set off a flurry of witchy media in the late 1990s? Every day, lately, it seems that witches continue to acquire more attention, more media engagement, more religious scrutiny, more social intrigue. Read more

January 4, 2014

We here at The Media Witch's magical headquarters, opium den and Dionysian Emporium have been very excited about the forthcoming appearance of the great STEVIE NICKS on American Horror Story: Coven. This Wednesday night the Welsh White Witch herself, the goddess of breakup rock, the twirling-in-shawl-and-boots-babe of our wildest dreams will be on FX's witchy show that is among the hottest series of the season. Be there or be square! Read more

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