March 18, 2014

Satanic Ritual Abuse. Hey, didn't we figure out more than a few years ago what a crock it was? Well, unfortunately there's a whole new generation of gullible people who haven't been exposed to the debunking, and a whole bunch of trouble-makers who want to spread these insane rumors all over again. Read more

March 17, 2014

Margot Adler, NPR correspondent, is perhaps best known to the pagan community for her groundbreaking and influential book Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers and Other Pagans in America. Published in 1979 and updated in several editions since, it was the only book of its kind to offer a serious sociological and cultural critique of the burgeoning pagan movement, something other journalists and scholars had failed to take on at that point. What made it even more interesting was... Read more

March 9, 2014

Well it took us a while but Fritz Muntean and I finally scheduled our chat! Following Christine Hoff Kraemer’s excellent idea to reach out and chat with someone in the pagan community we’d never actually met in person, Fritz and I (who have “known” one another for years vis various forums and groups related to paganism and academia) got together via video chat on Google Hang Out. (Fritz also had a nice chat with Christine last week) It was a... Read more

March 4, 2014

And now for some dreamy old film imagery, scented with patchouli and blessed with love beads… THE POWER OF THE WITCH (video link included). Rare footage of some of the early movers and shakers of modern pagan witchcraft: Alex and Maxine Sanders, et al…filmed in 1971, this was the heyday of the modern occult movement, and so is really an interesting historical document and also quite a lovely way to experience the “vibe” of  what the early days of  the... Read more

February 28, 2014

In case you missed it, there is still time to marvel over the wonderful world of women in the horror industry. Writers, filmmakers, artists, performers, editors, producers, they are all celebrated in this month long observation that's been going on for five years now (who knew?). Read more

February 28, 2014

  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I might actually be looking forward to this… Just released: special behind-the-scenes footage and sneak preview of WGN’s Salem which premieres later this spring… Yes, the story set-up seems a bit silly: young sexy versions of Tituba, Cotton Mather, and other historical figures from the Witch Trials, setting us up for the suspicious, hysterical madness that takes place near the end of the Seventeenth Century. But the production values do look pretty... Read more

February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day, Schmalentine's Day! Forget the hearts, roses and chocolate. Let's pay homage to the sexy goddess and the randy god instead! Read more

February 4, 2014

From Neil Gaiman himself: the novel AMERICAN GODS is now in development for television with FreemantleMedia. The official press release says the deal has been finalized, and in television land, that means we're good to go. Read more

February 1, 2014

Lilith Dorsey and I had nearly weekly video chats about the show, half rant, half rapture. Because, as irritating as we found the show to be at times, we also found it very entertaining and compelling. Say what you will, it is hard to remain indifferent to a show this intense. But its flaws were every bit as dramatic as its charms. Read more

January 29, 2014

Hello, friends. Perhaps you’ve noticed, I have a bit of an obsession with this show. Well, me and my friend Lilith Dorsey. Me, a witch, she, a voodoo priestess; it kinda had to happen! (It helps that we’re both media scholars and that Lilith is a filmmaker, too) If you haven’t seen/heard any of our video chats about the show, we’ve been doing them faithfully every week and you can check them out on my Youtube channel, they’re all there... Read more

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