February 9, 2015

Many pagans don't seem to know how to utilize the most basic survival skills, not to mention live a life seemingly in harmony with nature. Growing veggies in the summer is one thing. But how do we live at one with nature when the land is covered in frozen white stuff? Read more

January 31, 2015

Imbolc is the pagan winter festival that arrives just at that moment when many of us dearly need a reason to hope that spring will arrive. (or autumn, for our friends in the Southern hemisphere, wishing for cool breezes). Of course it is no coincidence that this day is also celebrated secularly as Ground Hog’s Day, when we wish to find out when, or indeed if, spring will come. (My light-hearted comparison of the two holidays, which includes moments of groundhog... Read more

November 1, 2014

Blessings of Samhain!  I have so enjoyed doing this project with Ambaa and getting to know more about her spirituality and cultural traditions. This week, we decided to answer questions related to death and dying and ancestor remembrance. We both contributed to the questions. 1) What are some of the rituals by which your religion honors ancestors? Ambaa: There are last rites and purification rituals when someone dies, but I’m more interested in the rituals that some do for long... Read more

October 27, 2014

   Here is our second round of questions! I am enjoying getting to know Ambaa, my partner for the Ancestor Remembrance Project this month; her Patheos blog is The White Hindu. Part One of our exchange is here.   I wrote this week’s questions! 1) Did you celebrate Hallowe’en growing up? In school, at home, or both? Ambaa: Yes. I enjoyed Halloween a lot as a kid. I remember going to a school party when I was in first grade and I won... Read more

October 17, 2014

My partner for the Ancestor Remembrance Project this month is Ambaa, whose Patheos blog is The White Hindu. We will be comparing different spiritual and family traditions related to our ancestry by answering questions around a theme each week. Read more

October 13, 2014

We’ve been having difficulty getting Google Hang Out to host our video chat (the new phone-based app’s upgrades are affecting connectivity in a very bad way); so, for the time being, we’ll be doing our chats on the radio! BlogTalkRadio, that is. Tune in tonight at 11 pm EST to hear me and Lilith Dorsey discuss the first episode of this new season of AMERICAN HORROR STORY: FREAKSHOW on BlogTalkRadio. (ETA: Here is the link to our chat; the first... Read more

October 9, 2014

Didja miss me? I have been on a lengthy hiatus due to an extremely busy autumn…but, I am back just in time, as the witchiest month of all begins to heat up…(insert gratuitous cackle here) Hot on the heels of that amazing lunar eclipse, we had the premiere of a cray-ray new season of AMERICAN HORROR STORY, this one about a creepy carnival, naturally enough, called FREAKSHOW. The amazing cast is back and from the looks of things, ready to... Read more

August 28, 2014

Some exciting news this week! Deadline.com announces a new film series about the Arthurian saga helmed by director Guy Ritchie (best known for his debut film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels). But of course the really exciting part of this news is that Charlie Hunnam (Jax on FX's wildly popular show Sons of Anarchy) is being tapped to play King Arthur. Read more

August 1, 2014

One of Margot's friends from NPR is spearheading an idea to get a bench installed in her name in Central Park, near where she lived. For those who don't know, Margot walked in Central Park as often as she could and was an avid birder. Read more

July 28, 2014

Margot Adler was author of the important book Drawing Down the Moon, an NPR journalist, and a practicing pagan. I knew her. I respected her. I was happy to have spent time talking and laughing with her. And I am very, very sad she is gone from us. Read more

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