April 30, 2015

Too many people who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus believe they got it right, and everyone else got it wrong. This mentality creates a very strong ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ mentality. Too many hold to this idea, and I am of the mind that it is the most destructive force in the body of Christ. In Mark’s narrative [9:38-41] John had that same frame of mind. He saw a person teaching in the name of Jesus, but who was... Read more

April 30, 2015

One of the most meaningless things a Follower of Christ can say is, “I will pray for you.” Yet, it is what we are called to do, so how can it be meaningless? Here are a few things that pop into my head when I hear a Follower of Christ say that… People bug you, and you want to push them away as soon as possible – nicely. You don’t want to get dirty getting involved in their lives, so... Read more

April 29, 2015

How much is too much for a Community of Faith to spend on a building? When a Community of Faith spends more on a building, then it does on people, is that wrong? At what point do we say, “Hey, enough is enough.” When I think in terms of “Mega-Churches” I am always put back by the cost of their buildings. Well, keep in mind, many smaller churches spend a great deal of money striving to keep-up a building, while... Read more

April 1, 2015

As Jesus was sharing the love and generosity of the Divine with those gathered around him, a group of Pastors and Elders from local churches came by and demanded he show his credentials. “What Seminary did you attend? Give us the names of your Professors. What Denomination are you ordained with? Which Denomination holds your papers? Show us your paper work, proving you are qualified to preach.” Jesus smiled, “Really? You want proof? I tell you want, I’ll ask you... Read more

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