Chuck Colson Encouraging Pastors to Reclaim a Theology of Work

Chuck Colson Encouraging Pastors to Reclaim a Theology of Work July 16, 2014

For our “Equipping Pastors” series this summer, we dug up this oldie but goodie from the Colson Center. In less than four minutes, Chuck Colson explains why our everyday work matters. He encourages pastors to reclaim work for God’s purposes by reclaiming a theology of work.

Starting with Genesis, we see that human beings are made in the image of God. If God is a worker, and we’re made in His image, then we too have a desire to create and produce.

Some believe that work is a curse resulting from the fall. However, before sin entered the world, God gave Adam and Eve work to do. He charged them to care for and tend to creation.

Every Christian is called to work that partners with God. We are stewards of our gifts and talents, as well as the outputs (products and profits) of our work.

Martin Luther wrote, “It doesn’t matter whether you are preaching the gospel or scrubbing the floors, so long as its done for the glory of God.”

Denying the call and purpose of everyday work denies the call to submit to God in every area of our lives.

What do you think? How can the church benefit from reclaiming a theology of work? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

This post is part of the Theology of Work Project’s summer blog series, focused on helping pastors and leaders to “equip the saints” (Eph. 4:12) at work. Stay tuned by following us here, on Facebook or via Twitter.

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