March 5, 2014

If God troubles to instruct Moses on civic planning, based on the semi-geometrical growth of pastureland, doesn’t it suggest that God’s people today vigorously pursue all the professions, crafts, arts, academics, and other disciplines that sustain and prosper communities and nations? Read more

March 5, 2014

"I pray for wisdom on a daily basis. I’m not smart enough to run this business by myself and I know that but I believe God can sure help me." Read more

February 27, 2014

How foolish if we think we must provide for ourselves before we can afford to take time for God and the society of his people. The truth is that we cannot provide for ourselves except by the grace of God’s generosity and the mutual work of his community. Read more

February 26, 2014

If we ever have the impression that God only wants us in the workplace so we can tell others about him, or if we get the impression that the only part of our work that matters to God is building relationships, Joseph’s work says otherwise. Read more

February 25, 2014

If the close-knit members of the Thessalonian church had a hard time discerning who among them was worthy to receive financial support, imagine how much more difficult it is for a far-flung modern city, province or nation. Read more

February 12, 2014

"Not only my spiritual life but even my civil life in this world, and all the life I live, is by the faith of the Son of God: He exempts no life from the agency of his faith." (John Cotton) Read more

February 11, 2014

In some cases, spending more for the items we consume may improve the lives of those who make and sell them. Read more

February 6, 2014

Any morally legitimate job can fulfill God’s calling, so don’t make finding your life’s work into your life’s work. Read more

January 28, 2014

Paul’s money-earning work was an effort to build up the community economically. Paul employs his skills and possessions for the sake of the community, and explicitly says this is an example others should follow. Read more

January 23, 2014

In 1981, when Ken Melrose was appointed CEO, Toro was on the verge of bankruptcy. He felt it was his calling from God to build a culture using the concept of servant leadership. It seemed obvious to him to look at “rank & file” employees as the real strength of the organization. Read more

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