Biblical Authority, Postmodernism, and Patristic Hermeneutics…

Biblical Authority, Postmodernism, and Patristic Hermeneutics… July 9, 2009

It has been almost nine months now since my article “Postmodern Biblical Authority?” was published on I have heard many positive comments and some critiques, but nevertheless it has been a fun journey (it is funny how most of the critique has happened on the comments section of the article on The Ooze). This article was not so much addressing the ‘whole’ of my view of Biblical authority (for that, read The Last Word: Scripture and the Authority of God–Getting Beyond the Bible Wars ), but rather it served as my attempt to explore the ability to hold to ‘biblical authority’ from a postmodern perspective. Well, I am honored that Mark J. Boone has now written a “response” article to complement what I have already written titled “Ancient-Future Biblical Authority: A Reply to Kurt.” He addresses the issue of biblical authority from a ‘pre-modern’ or ‘patristic’ perspective, rather than from the viewpoint of fundamentalism. I appreciate much of his approach (with some nuancing), and would like to hear your thoughts on a ‘side-by-side’ reading of the articles. How does pre-modern/patristic readings help us understand biblical authority in a postmodern world? What other insights came to you as you read?

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