Are you still trying to find your “purpose?” The problem is not finding it. The real challenge is what to do after you figure it out!
I starting teaching a workshop over twenty years ago called, “Discovering Your Bliss.” I was in my Joseph Campbell period, a ministerial student and wild about realizing in my own life what a difference having a vision and mission in life can make.
That afternoon seminar morphed itself into a manual and eventually my most recent book. I still strongly believe that having a vision and mission gives us a firm foundation for happiness and, therefore, success.
As I’m beginning to find out in my own life, it may not even be necessary for everyone. Vision and mission statements are tools; that’s all they are. They aren’t the end-all to all end-alls. What we really need to be happy and succeed in life is already within us.
What’s that you ask? I’m so glad you did!
We must stop trying to be who we are and start being who we are.
Thanks, a lot, Terry. Fine. What’s THAT supposed to mean, oh great guru of knowledge and wisdom?
(In spite of that sarcasm there, I will respond!)
It means we frequently try too hard to:
- Be something we’re not;
- Always strive to please others;
- Not pleasing ourselves;
- Sanitize our approach;
- Worry that we won’t appeal to everyone – NEW FLASH! WE WON’T!
- Compare our happiness and satisfaction to others;
- Base our worth on the number of people following our social media accounts; or,
- Are terrified we’re “not ready.”
Well, pumpkin’ we’re NOT ready for that next big leap to magnificence. Of course we’re not “ready!” If we were we’d have already done what we’re thinking about doing. But right now we are as ready as we ever could be to be ourselves.
Think about it. No one knows you the way you do. If you don’t like something about yourself, change it or figure out why you are being so critical with yourself. If you need help doing that find that professional help.
The key point is to stop trying to be yourself and just start accepting that you can be yourself. You can do so without reservation, approval, permission or apology.
Isn’t it time for us to see who you are? Isn’t it time to move to that next level of expression? It’s inside you, perhaps desperately seeking the manifestation only you can provide. Let it out! Be YOU! WOO-HOO!
In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,
Terry Drew Karanen © 2016