Why Catholics Are Failing at Evangelization

Why Catholics Are Failing at Evangelization January 2, 2025

Anne Desantis recently joined me to talk about the virtue of affability and how it relates to evangelization.

Dr. DeSantis shares insights from her doctoral research, explaining how affability aligns with Pope Francis’ teachings and the wisdom of the saints. We delve into practical ways Catholics can apply this virtue in daily life, from online interactions to community engagement.

Check out her great book here.


"Excellent presentation. I have found that what matters most is the "posture" of the heart ..."

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"I agree with you 100%. The bishops have instructed everyone to receive on the hand ..."

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"After seeing exactly how screwed up Christian Conservatives are, worshipping a man that is immorral. ..."

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"Jesus or Beelzebul? I'll take curtain three, thank you. I don't DO Fear religions."

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