The Timeless Lessons of Easter

The Timeless Lessons of Easter March 29, 2024

Empty Tomb Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash
Empty Tomb Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

Happy Easter Season Patheos Friends!

I had someone share with me last week, that it was odd that Easter is in March this year. Yes, this year we are celebrating Easter in March, instead of April. Easter is the hallmark and foundation of faith for Christians all over the world. Without Easter, we have no faith. No hope. No everlasting life. The truth of Easter is lived in the lives and hearts of everyone that have experienced John 3:16. Each person that has been born-again, carry this eternal hope of continued fellowship with God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what makes this continued fellowship possible. Easter is a big deal to Christians! So, celebrate big! Christ is Risen! He lives in us; His hands and feet in a world that needs a Savior.

Below is an excerpt from a Patheos post last year on the big deal of Easter and the timeless lessons it teaches us. Visit the following link to read the entire post.  The Thriving Life Patheos: The Origin of Your Faith, Easter Is A Big Deal (Published April 7, 2023).

Timeless Lessons From Easter

Many will argue that you can’t raise your children today, the way our parents or grandparents raised us in the 50s and 60s. That can be true in the sense of all the advancements in the world today. However, that is not the case when it comes to the timeless truths of the Bible. The lessons that the Bible presents us can never be outdated. The lessons are relevant no matter the times, era or date. Easter being one of such timeless lessons. Easter teaches us that Jesus, the pure Lamb of God, came to take away the sin of the world, of which mine is one. Easter teaches us that salvation is a free gift that Jesus paid with His own life, that I might have a relationship with the Father. Easter lets me know, I can never earn salvation or work for it. It is a free gift that is received in faith, just as the scripture states in Ephesians 2:8. Easter teaches us that, when Jesus went on that cross, mankind was on His mind (I was on His mind) as part of God’s redemption plan to save us from eternal separation. Easter teaches us that Jesus once and for all, has paid the price for our sins- when He said, “It is finished.” He meant it and demonstrated that statement with His own life, shedding His own blood as the payment for our sins. Now, we can experience the life and freedom that comes from living in Christ, living for Christ and living through Christ. The origin of our faith is rooted in Easter. It is a big deal! Parents teach your children these timeless lessons, so that they can know Jesus and live a life of freedom and purpose, that is only found in Jesus Christ- the Savior of the world.

About Dr. Feyi Obamehinti
Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is a wife, mother, an ordained minister of the gospel, Bible Teacher, speaker, life educator, author, co-founder of nonprofits Oasis Connection Ministries and Oasis Focus Inc. Dr. Feyi as she's known professionally, co-host Oasis Connection TV and Oasis of Hope Podcast with her husband-Dr. Johnson Obamehinti- from their home in Texas. As a life educator, Dr. Feyi loves to equip people with Biblical principles to thrive in every area of life. A dynamic international and national trainer/speaker, she is passionate about helping people "see life" from God's perspective - only one that truly matters. A national syndicated commentator, Dr. Feyi equips leaders on maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. She is an encourager extraordinaire of the Wellness Project, ambassador of hope, community leader and advocate. You can read more about the author here.

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