August 13, 2023

The Context Parents often have questions about the Bible. However, searching the worldwide web for answers can be a confusing search as one parent found out a few days ago. This parent had a question about a particular scripture and sent an email asking for meaning as his family begins a new school year. After our phone discourse on the scripture, he asked if I could share what we discussed for other parents to benefit from. This post is about... Read more

July 30, 2023

Opposite Paradigm It’s that time of year, when students are not ready to go back to school because they are enjoying their time at home with no definite schedule. They are able to go to sleep late and sleep in the next day. On the other hand, parents are ready for their kids to go back to school. They have seen how challenging it has been for some weeks now to keep their kids engaged at home. Parents around this... Read more

July 8, 2023

Matthew Chapter 25 When our daughters were growing up; my husband and I wanted to instill in them a heart of service for others. Especially for what the Bible refers to as the “least of these.”  (Matthew 25:45). A little refresher on the Matthew 25 context; Jesus was having a mentoring and coaching moment with His disciples illustrating what the Kingdom of God is like. He began by talking about the need for His disciples to stay ready with the... Read more

July 1, 2023

America is celebrating her independence on July 4th; a federal holiday. We know the history so well- European pilgrims came in search of religious freedom and opportunity and hence populated America. This independence day became a federal holiday in 1941. The day is typically filled with parades, gatherings, fun, and fellowship. As followers of Christ, my husband and I customarily celebrate the day with prayer and Biblical declarations over America. Through the years we have had friends join us in... Read more

June 24, 2023

Scientist George Stibitz To think that there was a time when computers were unheard of by the majority of people around the world. It was in 1937 in the USA, that scientist George Stibitz built something on his kitchen table that would become a demonstration circuit that proves the logic behind the design of computers. The rest is history. In the USA alone, IBISWorld,an organization that provides research on thousands of industries globally highlights that the percentage of families that... Read more

June 15, 2023

Patriarchy System Many cultures around the world have a patriarchy system that holds men in high regard as a part of that culture’s social structure. This social structure of patriarchy is defined as one of dominance over women and children. These structures ascribe special privileges to men in which they have autonomy, control and dominance. Furthermore, through the years, these structures have become a dangerous ideology in many cultures exerting undue oppression on people. All we have to do is... Read more

June 5, 2023

The Data on Mental Health According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), there are an estimated 15% of young people globally experiencing a mental health disorder. Furthermore, NLM states this accounts for 13% of the global burden of mental health among young people. Even more alarming is the number among very young children ages 2-8 that had a diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder. NLM states that the number in the United States is almost 20% among ages 2-8... Read more

May 31, 2023

School Is Out The school year is closing out in many states. Here in Texas, many schools have closed for the 2022-2023 school year, with a few schools left. As with any school year, it’s filled with ups and downs and families tend to find their sweet spot amidst it all. If you are one of those that your child’s school is out for the summer,  kudos! You made it! The fun begins to keep your child or children productively... Read more

May 16, 2023

Faith In American Culture Our American culture typically sees the operation of faith- belief in the Almighty God- within the walls of a church, in outreach efforts in underserved communities or conducting missions in developing countries.  However, faith is much more than these descriptions. Faith is a lifestyle. It is an unwavering trust in who God is and His infallible Word. Faith is an anchor from the turbulence of life. Faith is an evidence. It is also an assurance in... Read more

May 13, 2023

Sole Responsibility The word “life” is known for the hot chasm of rhetoric in our culture that has divided people either for life or against life. This post is neither. This is because God’s word is not up for debate and cannot be debated. We either believe the Bible, or we don’t. It’s that simple. God Himself granted women the sole responsibility to carry and bring life to fruition. Mothers are God’s partners for life! Mother’s Day is that special... Read more

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