Questions for your Book Club

Questions for your Book Club September 12, 2011

Are you in a Book Club? (This is besides the point of this blogpost, but as a personal aside–if so, what have been your top three books in the past year?)

Just wanted to let you and your book club know that there are now Questions for Discussion available on my website about A Good and Perfect Gift. Go to my website ( and go to the “Books” page. After the press release, click on the link that says, “Questions for Discussion” and, viola–interesting conversation for all (especially if you have some wine and cheese on hand!).

To whet your appetite, here are the first three:

Over the course of the narrative, Amy Julia’s understanding of the nature of perfection changes. How did she originally understand perfection, and how does Penny’s life change that concept? How do you think our culture thinks about “the perfect life” or “perfect children”?

What needed to happen for Amy Julia to be able to receive Penny as a gift?

Have there been times in your life when your expectations weren’t met? How did  you adjust your desires and expectations to match your new reality?



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