What I’m Reading and Tweeting

What I’m Reading and Tweeting September 27, 2013

Where I live, we don’t get consistent cell phone service. Every day, I drive my kids to school for twelve minutes, and we talk and listen to music and observe the changing leaves and babbling brook. For the twelve minutes back, I used to try to listen to NPR, though the signal was scratchy, or pray, but I would get distracted, or just think about things. Recently, I began an Audible subscription, so I’ve been listening to Eugene Peterson’s The Message, a paraphrase of the New Testament. Twelve minutes five days a week of listening to stories about Jesus has been quite a gift.

I finished Me Before You this week. Though I still think the plot is somewhat contrived, I still recommend the book. It’s the story of a young woman who takes a job caring for a man who has become a quadriplegic. It’s a story about social class and dreams and life and death and bodies and love and what it’s like to try to live a new life that you never asked for or wanted. It’s a great book.

Some other books came my way this week–Quiet, by Susan Cain, about those of us who are introverts in an extroverted world. Sun Shine Down, by Gillian Marchenko, a memoir of her experience of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome in a foreign country. Writing in the Margins, by Lisa Nichols Hickman, about taking notes in the margins of the Bible. And the Jesus Storybook Bible elementary school curriculum, which I think we’ll start using with our kids for our new family devotion times on Saturday mornings.

Then there were the articles I tweeted about this week:

Disability and Prenatal Testing related (with great thanks to Mark Leach for his coverage of prenatal testing info):

Milestones for students with#DownSyndrome #Inclusion #StartingSchool#Diversity ow.ly/oWL1v @RachelAdams212

 #Writers #VisualArtists, individuals with#disabilities & more – @GeezMagazine needs you to contribute to guest issue ow.ly/p4lTi

Why is “being ahead of the curve” a selling point for Verinata’s verifi? http://ow.ly/pdjke#PrenatalTesting #DownSyndrome@MarkWLeach

#GeneticCounselors paid by testing companies. Potential Conflict?#GeneticTesting #Ethics http://ow.ly/pdsBl@nytimes

Should noninvasive #PrenatalTesting be a secondary screen? #DownSyndrome#Pregnancy @MarkWLeachhttp://ow.ly/pdtHN

“Monstrous” Sonic Hedgehog Reverses#DownSyndrome http://ow.ly/pdvM2#Genetics #PrenatalTesting @MarkWLeach

Faith related:

Dear #Parents With Young Children in#Church: “I know it’s hard, but thank you” @hippypastorwife @HuffPostBlogow.ly/p6vZC #Joy

More than words: #PopeFrancis‘ Radical Whisper http://ow.ly/pa5M5#EnoughIsEnough #Humility @FrankBruni@nytimes

#PopeFrancis & the “freshness and fragrance of the #gospel” #GodsLove @EllenPDollarhttp://ow.ly/pdhq9

And a few more that seemed worth passing along:

Experiencing life on the other side of the “fence” ow.ly/p4niw @nytimes #RacialDivide#SocialClass #SouthAfrica

#Expectations vs #Reality: “Why#GenerationY Yuppies Are Unhappy”ow.ly/p4p6C @waitbutwhy

#Photoshopping “[no] wonder women yearn to be #SuperThin when they never see how ugly [super]-thin can be.” ow.ly/pddI9@lisawade

Happy reading!


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