Where Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Can Agree, and other things I’m reading this week

Where Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Can Agree, and other things I’m reading this week October 18, 2013

I have a new post on Christianity Today’s website this week, a review of Rachel Adam’s new memoir, Raising Henry: A Memoir of Motherhood, Disability, and Discovery. To read it, go to A Mother’s Love for a Modern-Day Miracle: Meet the pro-choice secular Manhattanite whose study of society’s outcasts prepared her to welcome a son with Down syndrome.

In other book news, still loving listening to Here if You Need Me by Kate Braestrup. Still reading (or should I say, meditating upon or soaking in or something else that conveys how rich this book is) Andy Crouch’s Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power. More on that next week. And I’ve started Alice Munro’s newest collection of stories, Dear Life, which are as simple and profound as all the rest of her writing.

As for articles, take your pick:

#DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth: Lunch at Pizza Hut” @tspoetry ow.ly/pPOWE#DownSyndrome #Dream

The fight against #SexTrafficking isn’t hopeless. Find out more> ow.ly/pPUQD#Prostitution #Nashville @nicholaskristof

“Why is #DownSyndrome a syndrome?” @MarkWLeach ow.ly/pPXrN #PrenatalTesting #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth

Why is October#DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth? What’s the Point? ow.ly/pPZT0 @MarkWLeach#Inclusion #Disability

“TV Characters With #Disabilities On The Rise” http://ow.ly/pTkZf @disabilityscoop#Diversity #Parenthood

“I barely knew anyone who’d had a#miscarriage… until I experienced my own.” -C.S. Lubinski @CT_women http://ow.ly/pTlNV#Pregnancy

As always, happy weekend and happy reading!

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