Someone wished me “Happy Halloween,” today, and it was the most foreign thing I had heard in a while. Since being oppressed by occultic practices, I not only dismissed Halloween from my calendar, but I began researching its true nature behind the veil. The costumes, the candy, the haunted houses, none of it is for sheer pleasure. They exist as ploys to rot the soul and/or ruin an individual’s destiny.
As a professional costume designer, I know first hand the salience of garments. In the spiritual realm, accoutrement also plays a precise role in both the heavens and on Earth. The second heaven, where demons and satanic agents live, enlist human agents to help place spells onto physical garments a victim intends to wear. Garments of shame, poverty or infirmity, although invisible, rest on many of God’s children beyond their knowledge making Halloween a smorgasbord of fittings. Unbeknown to costume holders, they potentially usher in spells onto their costumes simply by celebrating the holiday. Sadly, they unwittingly engender a satanic contract.
Of course too much candy is no good for you, silly. Yet, did you know you could potentially lose your destiny by eating Trick or Treat candy? Like costumes, much of the candy prepared for Halloween is prayed over by large companies, local store owners and families on your own block. You never know who’s a witch/warlock these days. When you bite into that luscious chocolate bar, you could possibly be arranging a destiny swap. Like any other incantation used by the demonic realm, they search for an entry way into your life to ruin it. (Same premise with the music industry.)
Haunted Houses
Some of you know folks living in one right now! Witches, warlocks, and satanic agents as landlords, property managers, and supers. Some of yawl even know owners of these types of properties but are clueless to their early-hour activities. These spaces are usually dilapidated, or filthy, with vermin running rampant where cats play the role of exterminator. Owners are too lazy, too cheap, or required by demonic forces not to fix/upkeep the unit/building making it difficult for tenants under acute witchcraft to keep their homes tidy. It’s also important to note, demons are drawn to mess, filth, and ruin.
So, before you put on that Halloween costume, think of your future, and the purpose God has called you to. It’s unfortunate that children are being bated into darkness through what seems to be innocuous, but Halloween is not as harmless as you think. If you’d like to know more on the subject, please check out my book: Ten Truths about Halloween.