Big People & Bullying… Where does it End?

Big People & Bullying… Where does it End? November 2, 2024

Adult Bullying
When adults bully. The residuals are costly.

Adult bullying, really?

Who would’ve thought adult bullying was a thing? Yes. Adult bullying. If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how on Earth is that possible at this big age? Or, maybe not. I could ask the same of elder abuse and churches trafficking children. Sadly, it occurs. It transpires at church, work and adult play. I’d like to share a brief description of my personal experience with adult bullying. It emerged at an educational facility where bullying ran rampant amongst students. Now, adults. Insane!

In 2019, peers, subordinates, and management harassed me, daily. Team members monitored me through window panes. Some sat-in and recorded my sessions. Other personnel attempted unauthorized observations while subordinates ran to supervision to spread untruths. Junior staff members ganged-up in attempt to dethrone me. My office was ransacked and documents stolen. One co-worker used physical intimidation tactics . It was an all out blitz… simply because of what I carry in Christ. Subsequently, the unaddressed abuse gave rise to health issues. Without substantial advocates to lean-on, staying wasn’t an option. I, then, embarked on a leave without-pay.

Then, Covid-19 hit. The transition to online sparked my interest to return. However, these beasts began cyberbullying. One woman used indirect jabs through images she posted on a staff platform. Supervisors pretended to overlook me in meetings in order to berate me in my alleged absence. I was simply grateful to post lessons and not see a soul.

Six reasons people are bullied at work

The article, Why People are Bullied at Work proffers several reasons for workplace bullying. Here are six:

  1. Educational prowess– I worked in an elementary school setting where teachers were licensed in common branches. I earned both a CB credential and one principally in art. Some folks didn’t like that.
  2. Enviousness– Creative people often deal with vast amounts of scrutiny as they possess what many do not.
  3. Personality clash- Simply getting along with others and being well received can actually cause unwelcome hatred.
  4. Power– Like witches, bullies enjoy control over an individual. Kind-hearted, easy-going, individuals who seem to be non-confrontational are vulnerable to targeting.
  5. Stereotypes– Buildings are filled with bias and racist individuals. Due to stereotypical imagery throughout society, many people of color as well as women fall prey to bullying.
  6. Inadequacy-Those who don’t like themselves, or suffer from low-self esteem, can sometimes find ways to blame others for there lack of confidence. Bullying engenders a cocoon for their insecurities.

How to Deal with Workplace Bullies

Had I accessed Don’t Let Workplace Bullies Win– Here’s How to Spot Them and Stop Them during my traumatic tribulations, I probably wouldn’t have taken a leave from work. The article offers tips on identifying potential persons-of-interest and nefarious networks of oppressors. It further describes what type of bullying you may be up against and how to attack it. There’s even an advice section  dedicated to helping one navigate difficult terrain at work.

Weary from the battle, I retreated. However, garnering much needed peace, and distance, from the abuse adversely affected my pay. Hence my virtual return to work. Facilitating online served well as far as their virtual footprints being irrefutable and irreversible. Although, the arrangement forced perps to behave covertly. They employed new methods of humiliation and mobbing, and in some instances pretended I didn’t exist.

Workplace bullying institute

Workplace bullying is serious and has gained momentum in the last several years. Unfortunately, it is becoming a violent trend. Thankfully, the Workplace Bullying Institute provides an arsenal of resources to understand the phenomenon to protect oneself against  it. I found the nine part video series quite helpful along with the episodic podcast. If you are in need of assistance, I recommend starting with this site.

Final thoughts

With major concern for children victims of bullying emerging, and rightly so, I wonder who’s watching the adults mistreating their colleagues, especially when the ones bullying are in charge?

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