The Week-est Link, March 21, 2008: Devotions?

The Week-est Link, March 21, 2008: Devotions? March 21, 2008

1. Video of Tim Keller speaking apologetically. Keller’s talk is not to be missed and can be used both to edify and instruct Christians. (HT: Justin Taylor)

2. Helpful discussion of how to tackle the sometimes thorny subject of morning devotions. Covenant Life members CJ Mahaney, former pastor, and Jeff Purswell, pastor and theologian, are the writers here, and they have some very helpful things to say. This topic can befuddle many Christians, and we can easily condemn ourselves on this subject. Great to have someone speak pastorally and directly to it.

3. Biblical theologian Graeme Goldsworthy recently spoke at Southern Seminary, and the talks sounded great to me. Here are the links. They include a PDF of Goldsworthy’s talks that stretches over 70 pages–fruitful material you shouldn’t miss, particularly if you want to understand the unity of the Bible.

That’s all, folks. Have a great and edifying Easter weekend!

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