Resources for Women Who Want to Live a Faithful Life

Resources for Women Who Want to Live a Faithful Life August 12, 2008

From the Titus2Talk blog (HT: Vitamin Z):

“My husband has being doing a bit of home-work recently, listening to a few talks that focus on family life. He’s listed a few good resources for guys, but here’s a list of some of my home-work assignments, some completed, others I’m keen to give due attention.

Loving My Husband by Carolyn Mahaney
Loving My Children by Carolyn Mahaney
Celebrating Marital Love by Carolyn Mahaney
Wisdom for Women from Titus 2 by Susan Hunt
A Fresh Look at Titus 2 by Carolyn Mahaney
Sarah Edwards: Jonathan’s Home & Haven by Noel Piper
Marriage: Forgiving & Forbearing by John Piper
Honouring the Biblical Call of Motherhood by John Piper
To Be A Mother is a Call to Suffer by John Piper
The Centrality of the Home by Voddie Baucham
Shepherding Your Child’s Heart 0-5 by Tedd Tripp
A Wife’s Responsibility to Help Her Husband by Barbara Hughes”

Christian women seeking faithful advice on living as a godly woman in a fallen world would do well to invest in a few of these resources. Voddie Baucham has much wisdom on the role the home is to play in the Christian life and also on the way the roles of husband and wife break down within this essential unit. Carolyn Mahaney is a great resource too, particularly because she has raised four children in a very busy home and has done so with considerable blessing from the Lord. John Piper, of course, needs no commendation, and should be listened to whenever possible.

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