The Beauty of a Small Gospel: David Neff on the Core of Our Faith

The Beauty of a Small Gospel: David Neff on the Core of Our Faith May 7, 2009

From the Christian Vision project with an assist from the Books & Culture page:

“God has a small-and-large gospel. We must always let the largeness be God’s. His grand story makes our individual stories bigger as they take on meaning in his kingdom. Our efforts at evangelization must always build his kingdom, not ours. Our plans for church growth must always follow his yeasty patterns of growth, not the driven growth of corporate-style goal setting. God’s mission must always enlarge our vision, but we must be content to be part of the small things he is always doing.”

I like this quotation, though I would quibble with some things author David Neff writes.  There’s a lot of conversation about the “size” of the gospel right now, and I think both sides make good points, both those who advocate a “large” gospel and those who push for a “small” gospel.  Investigate for yourself: read the whole thing.

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