The Miracle of Human Life in a Stunning TED Talk

The Miracle of Human Life in a Stunning TED Talk November 23, 2012

This is, without hyperbole, one of the most remarkable videos I’ve seen.  From Alexandar Tsiaras and unveiled at TED, it shows the miracle of creation (note: some anatomical images).  It is impossible to see something like this and not marvel at God’s design for human life.  Every birth is nothing less than a miracle, on both a purely scientific and a theological level.  You can argue this, but when you see it play before you through the capacities of modern technology, it is undeniable.  The intelligence behind the tiniest child is overwhelming, overpowering, on full display.

Videos like this remind me of why I am and will be dedicated to an unremitting, cheerful, indefatigable, doxological pro-life witness until the day I die.  I pray the same for you.  It’s hard for me, though, not to hear the haunting music as a requiem for western civilization and its anti-child policies.

(HT: Ben Terry)

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