The president of Southern Seminary and Boyce College, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., just reviewed my new book Risky Gospel. I am deeply thankful for this kind and incisive review. Here’s a snippet:
One of the most lamentable symptoms of today’s emotionalist Christianity is its tendency to inaction. … Tragically, throughout their lifetimes many church members and nominal Christians never actually do anything of significance for Christ and his kingdom. Owen Strachan not only laments this fact — he intends to do something about it. With fresh energy and keen insight, he offers a vibrant vision of the Christian life in Risky Gospel, just released in the past few days. … This book would serve as a great Christmas gift for young Christians, and it is well timed for the challenges all Christians now face in our risky world.
Dr. Mohler recognizes patterns in Risky Gospel that he first helped me to see (see my reflections from my MDiv days). It was under him that I learned to engage culture and take dominion of all of life. It’s my hope that the effects of his mentorship and training will spill over into the lives of many people who find themselves tempted, as he said, “to inaction.”
Here, by the way, is another very kind, very insightful review of the book by Dave Sherrill. Dave saw as Dr. Mohler did that the material is designed to connect with young Christians and the Millennial generation. And here’s encouraging testimony from one of that generation about how the book is challenging and helping her. I love seeing responses from younger readers.
By God’s grace, I hope Risky Gospel is used to give them a bigger vision of their lives and of God’s unconquerable kingdom.