CBMW Is Doubling Down in 2014

CBMW Is Doubling Down in 2014 December 12, 2013

I don’t know if you noticed, but in 2013, CBMW (The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood) put a great deal of energy into our ministry to churches. In 2014, we’re not laying back. We’re doubling down.

We have had two friends of CBMW offer to match end-of-year donations up to $10,000. We’re thrilled at this ‘soft match’ offer and hope to meet our goal through your partnership.  Will you join us?

We’re hiring more staff, creating more content, holding more events. The Lord is pouring out blessing our work. Here’s a smattering of info that shows what the Lord is doing in our midst:

  • In 2012, our top post on CBMW.org received 512 views. In 2013, our top post—entitled “We’re Just Talking”—received 145,421 views.
  • Overall website traffic is up over 1000% from 2012 to 2013.
  • In 2012, we had 177 “Likes” on our Facebook page. At present we have over 2,100—more than a 10-fold increase.
  • In 2012, we had 1,500 followers on Twitter. We have more than doubled that to 3,600. We’ve also added new accounts for each of our channels: Men, Women, Public Square,FamilyReviews.
  • In September-November 2013 alone, CBMW staff spoke or exhibited at 9 different events. I spoke a dozen times to thousands of people on gender and sexuality, traveling all over the country—Providence, Chicago, Birmingham, Detroit, and more.
  • Our giving is way up and our staff now includes fifteen people (it’s the largest it’s ever been, praise God!).
  • In April 2014, we’re thrilled to hold a National Conference before T4G, which will feature John Piper, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, Al Mohler, and a women’s panel.

We would love to partner with you in 2014 to keep pushing ahead. There are all kinds of challenges facing the church on matters of sexuality and gender. We want to help believers think well about homosexuality, transgender issues, “leaning in,” and much more. These are some of the toughest realities confronting evangelicals today. CBMW more than any other organization is equipped and positioned to provide theological resources for your benefit and God’s glory. We’re not shying away from hard truths and convictional witness. In the awesome power of the gospel, we’re doubling down!

Join us in our end-of-year $10,000 match giving campaign. We love partnering with you, and we exist to serve you.

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