Just a few weeks ago, expert historian Douglas Sweeney and I published a book on Jonathan Edwards. Our goal: to provide readers with an accessible summary of the theology and ministry of America’s greatest theologian. The Essential Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to the Life and Teachings of America’s Greatest Theologian is out, and I just got word that it is on sale for all of $11 today, and today alone.
There is a trend away from writing lengthy books on doctrine and ministry. I have no problem with shorter works, personally. But I also think there are many folks out there who are starving for theology and hungry to think more about eternity. For such people, Jonathan Edwards’s writings are a well that does not run dry. God looms so large in his body of work that you can’t help but marvel at divine greatness when you read Edwardsean sermons, letters, and books. Yet if we’re honest, Edwards can also be intimidating. For this reason, Dr. Sweeney and I have published The Essential Jonathan Edwards. We want Edwards to be read, and appreciated, and even celebrated. Still more importantly, we want Christians to grow in their knowledge of our great God, and their obedience in his name.
Pick up The Essential Jonathan Edwards if you’re so inclined, and note the other books on sale as well. I contributed to the book Portraits of a Pastor–also on sale today–and I think aspiring ministers will find it richly helpful. Beyond that, if you can, please do think about leaving a review on Amazon after you finish the book. That lends much aid to the authorial cause.