July 13, 2017

After a speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Southern Poverty Law Center just labeled Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) a “hate group.” Sessions addressed an ADF group in California, and this occasioned a firestorm of criticism, with the SPLC leading the charge. Others quickly followed–here’s ABC News, NBC News, and the Daily Beast chiming in and spreading the smear. What is ADF, you ask? ADF is a non-profit entity that provides legal representation and public engagement on matters of “religious freedom, sanctity... Read more

July 12, 2017

The trend of evangelicals affirming homosexuality is not going away. The division this trend is causing is awful. Read more

June 13, 2017

The Resolutions Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention has just published the resolution that Malcolm Yarnell and I coauthored (explained here). It is listed below. Later today Southern Baptist messengers will hear the resolution on the convention floor. I am thankful to the committee for their consideration and deliberation. It is my hope, with Malcolm, that the messengers will formally embrace this resolution as our conventional belief. Without penal substitutionary atonement, there is no satisfaction of the Father’s just wrath against sinners.... Read more

May 12, 2017

It's easy to trick yourself today. It's easy to think you're a cultural revolutionary when you're the exact opposite. Read more

May 2, 2017

We live in the strangest times. That which is science is said to be anti-science; that which is nonsense is presented as shimmering truth. Read more

April 3, 2017

At long last, after a great and terrible search, we have found what ails America. It’s Mike Pence. It recently came out that Vice President Pence makes it a practice to never be alone with a woman in a meeting, and to never be at an event serving alcohol unless his wife is present. In both cases he attempts to safeguard his marriage. Pence is a Christian man and believes that his vows are sacred. He has doubtless seen many... Read more

March 27, 2017

Many have followed the recent un-offering of the Kuyper Prize by Princeton Seminary to Tim Keller. I’ve spoken up here and for the Center for Public Theology at Midwestern Seminary. Rich Mouw, former President of Fuller Theological Seminary, just added his own weighty voice to the matter. Mouw won the Kuyper Prize in days past, and has written extensively about Kuyper and his influence, and lends a statesmanlike presence to this whole shameful affair. As stated in his Christianity Today piece, Mouw clearly views... Read more

March 23, 2017

Many have heard the news that Princeton Seminary offered, then un-offered, Tim Keller the Abraham Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Witness. I wrote up a short piece entitled “In Praise of Tim Keller: On Princeton’s Decision” for the Center for Public Theology. In that piece, I quote from a RNS story that cited these words of Carol Howard Merritt on Keller and his theology: “In these difficult days, when our president says that women’s genitalia is up for grabs... Read more

March 17, 2017

The evangelical doctrine of sanctification–growth in godliness–needs a serious shot in the arm. Specifically, we need Jesus back in the mix. Badly. Let me quickly explain. I do not deny that we sinners are needy and broken. We surely are. Our whole life, as Martin Luther said, is a life of repentance. It must needs be. But I do wonder today if we have so focused on brokenness and weakness that we have lost sight of Christ. Christ is not... Read more

March 14, 2017

Allison Stanger was recently given a concussion courtesy of a rioting mob at Middlebury College. Stanger teaches at Middlebury, and just wrote an eye-opening piece on her experience for the New York Times. It doesn’t mess around; it’s entitled “Understanding the Angry Mob at Middlebury That Gave Me a Concussion.” Here’s a selection: There is no excusing what happened at Middlebury, and those who prevented Charles Murray from speaking must be punished for violating college rules. But what the events at Middlebury... Read more

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